Does the gameplay look slow to anybody else?

Discussion in 'Titanfall 2 News & Discussion' started by Shralla, Jun 23, 2016.

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  1. Ninjajedaii

    Ninjajedaii Generation 4
    Elite Pilot

    Aug 10, 2016
    New build ? And fine tuning something to play a little realistically I don't feel is ever a bad thing.. Keeping in mind this is a futuristic mecha fps haha
  2. Bruvas

    Bruvas Generation 7
    Elite Pilot

    Jul 17, 2014
    I wish Xbox/PS/PC fan boys and girls would get over themselves. There are a lot of game sites ruined in the comments by the these cretins. Thankfully that poison has stayed away from this site.
    interesting info @Laddie13, cheers for that!
  3. Carlos

    Carlos Generation 3

    Jan 13, 2014
    Listen. Many casuals aren't used to "go fast, and TitanFall!" Let me put it another way so you understand: Many people think that COD copied TitanFall 2 with Advanced Warfare, and Black Ops 3 with the Exo Suits/Thrust Jumps/Wall Running, but in reality, both franchises copied... a game called...


    But even Halo copied... two games.

    Doom, and Unreal Tournament.

    Basically, people didn't like these Exo Suits/Thrust Jumps/Wall Running because it's another dimension to the gameplay, so when you add speed to that, you turn off the casuals. The whole point of these changes was to cater to casuals, not people like you and me, that love games for the speed. From what I saw, the speed in the PS4 version makes Call of Duty look like it's running at 55 frames per second. When multiple Titans are dropped, and the match gets hectic - it makes Call of Duty look like a 20 year old franchise that hasn't changed in 20 years. Put it that way.

    Now, if @Laddie13 is saying that the new update to TitanFall 2 has new changes that are for the better, then I'll believe that because she's so close to this project than any one of us.
    • Trolling/Spam Trolling/Spam x 1
  4. KernelClamjuice

    KernelClamjuice Generation 6
    Elite Pilot

    May 4, 2014
    I do think the Fluid wall running of T2 is dumbed down compared to T1.....

    It was so bad I started to use the grappling hook to compensate.....