Gen 5 Gooser Challenge Tips

Discussion in 'General Titanfall discussion' started by KilaRoach, Jun 2, 2014.

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  1. KilaRoach

    KilaRoach Generation 2

    Apr 9, 2014
    Here are a few tips that should help with that dastardly Gen 5 Gooser Challenge.

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  2. The Juggernaut

    The Juggernaut Generation 7

    Apr 2, 2014
    Your video quality is actually good and I enjoyed the way you comment about what you're trying to say. Keep it up!
    I am a Gen 4 stuck on charge rifle crits. So to keep myself occupied, I've been going for goosers and it's been going really well actually. Too bad none of them count lol.
  3. ParaNormanBates

    ParaNormanBates Generation 4

    May 20, 2014
    For the Charge rifle critical hits, rodeo is the easiest way to get them. I got my first 6 after 2 days for roaming around with it. And got the rest 24 in just 4 Attrition games. Just make sure that the shield is down, otherwise, the hits won't count. A full health Orge can get u 4 hits. And don't stop till the titan explodes. You can get one extra after the titan is doomed. If the shield is up, go for the shoulders till the shield is down. It won't kill the health, but only the shield. For faster results, use the amped rifle.
  4. KilaRoach

    KilaRoach Generation 2

    Apr 9, 2014
    Thanks Juggernaut.
    I've been having tons of fun making these videos using XBOX One Upload Studio.
    If you are on XBOX One you can follow me there.
  5. Sloppy2nds

    Sloppy2nds Generation 2

    Apr 20, 2014
    Nice .. 3 goosers til gen 6
  6. The Juggernaut

    The Juggernaut Generation 7

    Apr 2, 2014
    Wait so, when you rodeo, the SHIELDS have to be down first? So you have to rodeo take down the shields.. wow. That's why none of my rodeo hits counted! Thanks! I usually play LTS and roam around waiting for a small opportunity. The most I ever got that way was like 2 lol... most entire matches I don't get one at all! I need 14 more so im gonna try your strategy. But that rodeo method also requires you to sit and charge the rifle and by the time you get the shields down, the pilot kills you. Do the crits count on rodeoing auto titans also? Cause Hardpoint would make this easier. What are your methods for making this the safest rodeo without enemy pilots lol.
    Im bored at my Gen 4 so now I've got 4/5 goosers waiting for crit hits
    You should make less 30 second clips. Always utilize the 5 minutes of multi clips or just 5 minutes of voice overs!
  7. ParaNormanBates

    ParaNormanBates Generation 4

    May 20, 2014
    Yes, when you rodeo, the shields needs to be down. In Attrition, most of the time, you don't need to worry about the shield, because the friendly titans would have already brought down the shield. And hardpoints would be the most productive as it works on auto titans as well. You just have to make sure that you bring down the shield before aiming for the core. Keep it on the shoulder till the shield is down. Or just throw your ordnance and bring down the shield before rodeo-ing. You'll hear a huge bell sound (the shield down sound). That's when you should start aiming for the core. Charging does take time and put you in danger, but that's where the amped rifle comes handy.
  8. The Juggernaut

    The Juggernaut Generation 7

    Apr 2, 2014
    Problem is, im a burncard hoarder. So my deck is full of rare cards I dont want to use. I only have 2 slots open lol and I missed my last charge rifle burncard. And you describe the dinosaur dying sound when your shields are down as a bell sound? lol interesting.
    Ok will do. This will help me a lot so thank you in advance! I've always aimed at the health before the shields. Why does it only count crits if the shields are down if you are rodeo shooting the CORE directly anyway....? Errr game logic.
  9. ParaNormanBates

    ParaNormanBates Generation 4

    May 20, 2014
    LOL I wasn't sure how to describe that sound. I have the exact same hoarding problem right now because I've stacked 23 titan cards so far for the MVP challenge on my next Gen. The whole shield being down when rodeo didn't make sense to me the first time too because none of my hits counted. So the next time, I brought down the shield first, and then tried. I think they never realized that any hits from a rodeo is a critical hit.

    Anyways, Good luck and hopefully, you'll be able to get those 14 in a couple of games.
  10. The Juggernaut

    The Juggernaut Generation 7

    Apr 2, 2014
    Whoa. That's some MAJOR hoarding . Im just hoarding any top tier cards and leaving only 2 spaces open and most cards I earn go to waste. I've got the achievement for earning 500 cards but I've only used 250 or so lol. I just dont know when to use them! Oh and im looking forward to the Gen 5 goosers when I quickly finish the crits. I've already got 4/5 goosers on my Gen 4 but none count lol.
  11. ParaNormanBates

    ParaNormanBates Generation 4

    May 20, 2014
    Hehehe. Once I'm done with the "Look Out Below" challenged, I'll have 5 more and my entire deck will be filled with the titan cards. LOL. Hopefully, each of those get me a MVP when I use them. The problem is, I completely ignore the minions and most of them I'd have more pilot + titan kills in my team but with just a few minion kills which puts me down the list.

    Good thing, you've been practicing on the Gooser because that was my biggest mistake which made that the most hardest challenge for me. I didn't even bother on that till I completed all the other challenges on that Gen. And I had to grind through those with various methods for ages.
  12. The Juggernaut

    The Juggernaut Generation 7

    Apr 2, 2014
    I got 2 of my 4 goosers with plain luck. I punched a ejecting titan ( for no reason) and it was in a building. So I punched a big scrap of exploding metal and my big punch fist stayed out for 1 extra second and the pilot that hit the roof landed right on it lol. Second luck one was I ejected out of my own titan, it exploded, and I guess a ejected pilot was trying to land on my titan to rodeo but he just caught the explosion fro my ejection and BANG airborne kill!. Last 2 actual tries out of 3 were pretty easy.
    Anyway, im looking forward to Gen 5. The Carbine will be a piece of cake, the sidewinder will be a piece of cake, I've always wanted to use the Arc Cannon since I've only used it for 30 minutes yet it is my most efficient kills per minute weapon (2.44) lol. And the gooser wont be too bad. Im looking forward to it.
    Tip for MVP is sacrifice the KDR, get a silenced smart pistol and minion detector, and farm 50 matches.....
  13. Sloppy2nds

    Sloppy2nds Generation 2

    Apr 20, 2014
    Regarding Gen 5 , the arc cannon is a pain until you unlock the capacitor , even then you need to employ the right tactics and load out , I left the gooser challenge until i completed the arc cannon , already got one with the arc , then i switched to the chaingun and so far i have only managed one more gooser so still 3 to go
    Th main problem i have is not shooting the pilot but actually having an ejecting pilot to shoot , what with auto titans , cloak and nuclear ejections and other shit going on its not easy ...
  14. The Juggernaut

    The Juggernaut Generation 7

    Apr 2, 2014
    Last Titan Standing. That is the best place for goosers. Does the capacitor let you charge up and stop mid way and it slowly charges down again? Because that is what I want. Always keep a pre-charged shot ready but with the stupid normal Arc Cannon it shoots anytime it wants.
  15. ParaNormanBates

    ParaNormanBates Generation 4

    May 20, 2014
    No. The capacitor needs to be fully charged. In other words, you can't really keep this weapon pre-charged with mod/attachment. The advantage of non-capacitor version is you just need to half charge it to take out minions / pilots. I felt the challenge was pretty easy once you start getting the feel of it and got it done before I hit lvl 50. I used the Orge / Smoke / Multi Target Missile and went for the fresh titans like any weapons. IMHO, they are the easiest. Smoke them as soon as they get off the dome in the front, go behind them. They usually think that u r in the front and go back, so once they do that, punch them back to the smoke and at the same time, start charging. Get a fully charged shot, and start aiming your multi target missile and charge again at the same time. One more shot, and you'll have a doomed titan.
  16. ParaNormanBates

    ParaNormanBates Generation 4

    May 20, 2014
    Thanks for the MVP tip. I tried that out last night and I had a 40+ minions and ended up MVP in a couple of games! Hehehehe
  17. The Juggernaut

    The Juggernaut Generation 7

    Apr 2, 2014
    @ParaNormanBates Ya. I thought about it randomly but I don't like dying too much for no reason lol. I don't need to be MVP yet. I just created a tip for myself in the future! :D
  18. The Juggernaut

    The Juggernaut Generation 7

    Apr 2, 2014
    Im talking about can I keep it half way charged up like he charge rifle?
    I've used the Arc Cannon only a handful of times in I think attrition which was terrible in a sense. It was one of those classes you make for using a new weapon, you never use it, you forget about it, you choose it a few days later and go WTF, WAS I DRUNK MAKING THIS CLASS?
    I had to put my titan v titan tryhard pants on since I had to fight a onslaught of enemy titans, one at a time. all in CQC. They came in intervals that only let me recharge my shields and ordinance. I killed 3 titans that day and the only thing that kept me alive was tryhard dashing, tryhard ordinance shooting, tactical vortex shield and plain fear/ adrenaline.
  19. ParaNormanBates

    ParaNormanBates Generation 4

    May 20, 2014
    Ahh I see. In that case, the Capacitor behaves the exact same way as the Charge Rifle except it gets more damage than the charge rifle. To make it simple, its a Charge Rifle + Arc Grenade + Suppressor all in one. This weapon is really, really, really powerful and I think that's why most Pros use this as their go-to weapon.
  20. The Juggernaut

    The Juggernaut Generation 7

    Apr 2, 2014
    Does the regular no attachment arc cannon disorient enemies like arc grenades? Because all I know is when I hit someone with a full charge, they still shoot me with accuracy. Maybe my 30 minutes of using it haven't given me time to get use to it. So the Arc cannon with capacitor is like a Charge rifle and arc grenade.. I can see that. But how is it like a suppressor?