Gooser Challenge- Oh My Goodness

Discussion in 'General Titanfall discussion' started by LAxSainte, Mar 16, 2014.

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  1. LAxSainte

    LAxSainte Generation 1

    Mar 16, 2014
    So I'm 5th Gen lvl 40 or so and I'm finding it borderline impossible to get these kills on ejecting pilots, much less 50 of them. So far the strategies I've seen have included the following.

    Chain gun (watch the pilot eject)
    Arc cannon (same as above)
    Rodeo a Titan and eject with the pilot
    Try and time a Titan punch as they eject
    Smoke and spray a doomed Titan

    Using the chain gun has seemed the most reasonable but I still haven't gotten the hang of getting the gooser kills with it yet. As this is probably going to be one of the harder challenges for everyone I was hoping people could post some ideas/tricks they've used to get these kills. Needless to say I'm not a huge fan of being stuck on this generation because of one challenge.
  2. Tony Banana

    Tony Banana Generation 3

    Feb 14, 2014
    There seems to be no easy way to do it. I am at 22 of 50 and the chaingun seems to do the trick.
  3. Clarkeh

    Clarkeh Post-Patch Generation 6 Pilot
    Elite Pilot

    Feb 17, 2014
    Chaingun is the key here, But if they have auto eject perk when doomed its a nightmare to find them before they have landed.
  4. Strogg

    Strogg Generation 1

    Mar 17, 2014

    My suggestion would be to use the smart pistol, but again, it's all in the timing while you are in the air with the ejected pilot.
    Point, lock-on, shoot - Job done.
  5. markforza

    markforza Finally got to Gen5
    Elite Pilot

    Jan 30, 2014
    Still reckon it should b 15/25 Kills at the ABSOLUTE Maximum coz didn't @Respawn say they wanted a mixture of Experienced & Inexperienced players? Well no Inexperienced player is going to get this when even Experienced players are Struggling with it! imo it should be patched down but probably won't be coz the Guys that have done it properly will feel cheated, which I fully understand!
    • Like Like x 3
  6. Snatch1414

    Snatch1414 Generation 2

    Mar 14, 2014
    Inexperienced players aren't going to mess around with obscure challenges so it's kind of irrelevant in that regard. It seems like you guys are enjoying the game and will be playing it for a long time. Just me, but I'd just have fun and when the game starts to get a little stale start doing challenges. Of course I'm not gen 5 either o_o
  7. alex219

    alex219 Generation 1

    Mar 18, 2014
    Ya I've been stuck in this challenge for 4 days and have 2 kills they always turn invisible after I get a few shots off. The game is boring now that I can't regen I'm about to just quit playing til they make the challenge more reasonable.
  8. Sorrows Revenge

    Sorrows Revenge Generation 2

    Mar 18, 2014
    I agree Alex. I love this game and I'm not the type to not go for gen 10 but to be continually forced to do challenges and basically having to use weapons I don't care for sucks. If I don't try then I feel I missed something. If I do try and continually get killed using things like sniper rifles and rail guns and my K/D suffers for it then I'm not having as much fun. I don't know what to do. Do I just go for it or just hope I get it over time and if I do hooray. My final point is for a game that requires good team play. Making us focus on such trivial challenges and doing things that are selfish is just plain dumb. What I mean is instead of maybe trying as hard to capture hardpoints I sit back so I can snipe a few pilots. This goes against my play style and my team suffers for it. I get the idea of not just handing us regen but at what cost when it comes to the fun?
  9. alex219

    alex219 Generation 1

    Mar 18, 2014
    I couldn't agree with you more sorrows I love the game too but that challenge takes so long an I've tried for hours an its frustrating getting killed for using weapons I don't like to just try and maybe get a kill.what fun is the game if your stuck on a ridiculous challenege for weeks im not gonna play day in and out to try an do that it ruins the fun from not being able to move forward in the game. i hope they take it off or reduce it dramatistly heck I'd pay ms points to not have to do it so i can continue to have fun on the game.
  10. Sorrows Revenge

    Sorrows Revenge Generation 2

    Mar 18, 2014
    Yeah I would pay for that one too :). Really though I was thinking about it and for some of these challenges in literally have to either try way to hard or not as hard. What I mean is trying extra hard to get pilot kills with a weapon you are not so good with like the sniper rifle or the hemlock which I can't stand so it almost makes me want to camp in corners and that goes against my play style and everything I believe in as well( hate campers. ) Also not trying as hard like finishing a Titan and instead of attacking the next Titan or going to help at a hardpoint I'm going to sit there and wait for a pilot to eject. Also no more pilot executions on doomed titans as I wait instead for them to eject. I am really ok with not just giving away regens but for a game that is touted as a game both hardcore people and casuals can enjoy I don't get this. I am a pretty hardcore FPS gamer that usually has a solid K/D( around 1.3-1.6) & this seems hard and unnecessary. I think for the more casual gamer it will be a big turnoff when they realize they can't go any higher unless they get lucky.
  11. xtexasfightx

    xtexasfightx Generation 2

    Mar 18, 2014
    I've been stuck on this challenge for 5 days now. I'm only at 10 kills. This is going to make me crazy. I don't have any fun when I'm playing anymore because of this darn challenge!
  12. Bear

    Bear That ain't falco.
    Elite Pilot

    Mar 18, 2014
    I'll deal with this when I come to it. I had a solid 0 kills so far with ejecting pilots (1st gen 36).

    If I'm 5th gen level 50 and still don't have it, I'll probably see if I can boost it. 50 of these kills are outrageous.
  13. Pilot Nerd

    Pilot Nerd Generation 2

    Feb 19, 2014
    Its a challenge what do you expect? Boosters ruin the games economy.
    You give the real legit players a bad name because no one knows who is really good anymore.
    If you can't move to 6th generation its because you aren't good enough and that's the bottom line.
    Boosting to the 6th generation is essentially cheating yourself,the system doesn't care,but the community does.
    • Dislike Dislike x 1
  14. Ironfistlavely

    Ironfistlavely Generation 1

    Mar 18, 2014
    If you guys are gen freaking five then of course the game is going to get stale. Go outside or something. Stop being a cry baby because you can't be as good as people who have already completed the challenge. This game is perfect.
    • Dislike Dislike x 2
  15. maroofisonfire

    maroofisonfire Generation 2

    Mar 19, 2014
    I hate both this and Titan Killer: Arc Cannon - the latter does next to no damage so you've gotta find and beat a Titan down to its final moments, and hope it doesn't beat you up before that. I've found the Stryder can maneuver the best around an enemy, but if they gang up on you, you're screwed in that especially.

    Up until now, I've met all the regen requirements prior to hitting 50, usually around 40-42 - this will be the first time I hit 50 and have to sit there until I do these near impossible challenges. They're not even skill based - they're luck based, especially Gooser.

    I don't know why my airborne kills no longer count aside from one I got at launch with the 40 mm cannon - do kills you get when you and your opponent eject not count? Not once have I gotten "Airborne Kill" for those, yet I recall vividly getting it for that one very lucky 40 mm sniper shot.
  16. Pilot Nerd

    Pilot Nerd Generation 2

    Feb 19, 2014
    The Arc Cannon is unbelievably powerful,my gosh you must suck. The things people wine about,you know,I thought I heard it all.
    • Dislike Dislike x 2
  17. maroofisonfire

    maroofisonfire Generation 2

    Mar 19, 2014
    It's "unbelievably powerful" when you charge it up all the way, and you've got to be going against someone who can't aim with any of the giant reticle Titan weapons to be able to get four full charges in directly to kill.

    Not being able to use a gun that is only "unbelievably powerful" when it's fully charged to kill 50 Titans before I hit 50 hardly merits anything about my skill level - I play just fine.

    It's my personal complaint, not a whine - I didn't say I COULDN'T do it, just that it'd take some time, as opposed to the X0-16 or the 40 mm cannon did.
  18. pantong51

    pantong51 Generation 4

    Mar 5, 2014
    I was the first gen 5 that I know, I was gen 5 sat at 6 am central. Today I have 12 goose kills:(. Though I have not been able to play much since Saturday. I still am agervated that half of my play time has been stuck on gen5 ( 20hours) its like a goose kill an hour. Maybe I'm just bad.
  19. xtexasfightx

    xtexasfightx Generation 2

    Mar 18, 2014
    Well I'm at 12 kills now. At this rate, I'll have 50 in a month or so. F this challenge.
  20. maroofisonfire

    maroofisonfire Generation 2

    Mar 19, 2014
    Whoever's up to boost this, let's freaking do it.