Gooser Challenge- Oh My Goodness

Discussion in 'General Titanfall discussion' started by LAxSainte, Mar 16, 2014.

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  1. kbrock1

    kbrock1 Gen10
    Elite Pilot

    Mar 26, 2014
    yea i dont get why everyones sporting sandy vaginas,.. im having a hard time with it, but throwing a fit only incites peoples scorn so,... no point.
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  2. ps4xbox1fan

    ps4xbox1fan Generation 2

    Mar 2, 2014
    Well i guess i just can't be as laid back about this as others. I spent 750.00 to play this one game. I went all in, 500.00 for xbox one and 250.00 for Titanfall collector's edition! If I wanna complain about something I don't like with the game I'm damn well gonna do so! "Sandy vaginas" very creative! Thanks for that contribution to help me attain this challenge! Lol! Fuck 10th gen! I'm gonna be the best 5th gen ever! Just keep building my stats!
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  3. WiseWolfCR

    WiseWolfCR Generation 1

    Apr 29, 2014
    Can anyone tell me how to pass this challenge with a high ping? This is impossible. I can see how I hit them with my arc cannon or chain gun and still no kill. I guess it is easier if you have a prime connection but that is not my case, and I feel punished by it every time I try to hit one of those darn pilots.