Hackers, Cheaters

Discussion in 'Titanfall 2 News & Discussion' started by Derrame, Dec 11, 2016.

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  1. Derrame

    Derrame Generation 6

    Aug 17, 2016
    hi there pilots, and Respawn

    i just played a match of Amped Hardpoint, the match ended with my team with 0 defense points, 0 assault points, 0 kills, we lost 400 to 6

    this i just unacceptable, it's unfair to everyone,
    one thing is to try your best and fail, the other is stronger or better, skilled, et,c it's ok, you learn from defeat, but when they hack, cheat, what's the point? they win, and then what? they just clik and win, they have no honor

    i dont remember the nicknames, the cheaters,

    please Respawn do something to remove the cheaters once and for all
    • Like Like x 1
  2. ensc

    ensc Generation 7
    Elite Pilot

    May 29, 2016
    #2 ensc, Dec 11, 2016
    Last edited: Dec 11, 2016
    Yes, Respawn, please pay attention here, because in my experience Derrame does not make false claims or exaggerate. If Derrame is saying they lost 400 to 6, then I guarantee you the entire other team must have been cheating. I was one of the best hardpoint players in the world in TF1. I'm not quite as good in TF2 yet, but my team usually wins and I am usually the MVP. I've played with Derrame several times and Derrame is always right there in 2nd place behind me and has actually been MVP ahead of me on a couple occasions. Therefore, if Derrame's entire team only got 6 points, then I guarantee you the entire game was fake.

    Besides not having a good matchmaking system, not having a good anti-cheat system was really the only other problem I had with TF1. Please don't allow cheaters to ruin TF2 the way they did in TF1.

    When you have awesome examples you can follow like the anti-cheat system Blizzard used in Overwatch, there is no excuse for not taking care of this. Please take some of the $millions you've made off of us on TF1 and TF2 and buy the rights to their system and get this done. We deserve to have this taken care of.

    Cheaters have no respect for the purity of the game or for other players. If they cheat even one time, they should be banished forever from playing that game. They do not deserve a second chance. Probably the best solution would be to banish them to a cheater lobby where all of the cheaters can only play their fake games against each other without ruining any of the games for the legit players that respect the game and other players.

    Also, if you do that, I would really appreciate it if you would also implement it in TF1, because a lot of people still enjoy playing that game as well and the small user base is infested with cheaters right now.

    Thank You
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  3. Derrame

    Derrame Generation 6

    Aug 17, 2016
    all those player have [PRO] in their nicknames, it doesnt matter where they shot, they always get headshots, that is only possible with cheats, aimbot or something like that