Hardpoint Defense Points

Discussion in 'General Titanfall discussion' started by evadedfx, Mar 24, 2014.

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  1. evadedfx

    evadedfx Generation 2

    Mar 24, 2014
    What does everyone think about the deduction on defense points in hardpoint?

    I for one was a bit disappointed at first because I had the most fun trying to defend a certain hardpoint while setting "traps" with satchels and just patrolling the area trying to find some unsuspecting enemys. I have to say that I still find that the amount of points that they took away is kind of ridiculous because it went from 75 points per/ so many seconds to 25 points per. I feel like since they reduced it so much that trying to just defend the point is kind of pointless because you could get twice the amount of points just by running around the map in a circle while the enemy team captures what you keep taking.

    When the Patch came out a few days ago I went over to the Respawn forums and saw that a lot of people were complaining about the decrease of points and some people were trying to come up with ideas on how the team @Respawn could change how it all plays out without having such a huge deduction like this ( e.g +100 points for capture a hardpoint and +75 points for defending. )

    My main question is: Do you think that it should stay how it is or do you have some thoughts that could benefit the more "defensive" players.
  2. Bear

    Bear That ain't falco.
    Elite Pilot

    Mar 18, 2014
    I think it's far better now. People really did just camp for points and force their team to lose a man. This got those people to either

    A) Play the game
    B) Get off the playlist.

    Both awesome options. I understand there are defensive players but hey, if you really care about winning and defending one point, then you still do it. XP should be second. It has already made this mode 100x better. No more campers from what I've seen, just non-stop everyone running around action. Which is insanely fun.

    p.s. I understand the difference from campers and defenders. Defenders did get screwed, but worth it to lose campers.
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  3. Bardiel18

    Bardiel18 Generation 5
    Elite Pilot

    Feb 23, 2014
    I'm okay with it. If you go through other threads, you'll see a lot of us champion the role of defensive players. I've played defense a lot, but I tend to go for the captures more.

    Again, I don't mind the decrease in points for defending an objective, but they could maybe have lowered it to 50 instead of 25.

    I think my ideal solution would be to leave it at 25 points over time while defending IF they didn't have any part in capturing that Hardpoint. And then a deteriorating bonus starting from 50 if you helped to cap a point.

    1. Player A helps to capture a Hardpoint and receives 75 points for the cap. Player A decides to stay to defend and earns 50 points every 5 seconds for the next 15 seconds. This bonus then drops to the current 25 points every 5 seconds, until 1 minute is reached. Bonus 10 points per 5 seconds indefinitely after.
    2. Player B arrives at previous Hardpoint, not having helped to cap. Player B stays to defend and nets 25 points every 5 seconds for the next 30 seconds. Bonus drops to 10 points per 5 seconds, until a maximum of 1 minute is reached.
    In that example above, you'd still encourage some defensive play, but at a much lower rate of bonus points. For players that don't help with the captures at all, this is even lower and has a finite ceiling.
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  4. xGhostProdigy15

    xGhostProdigy15 Generation 2

    Mar 24, 2014
    I also agree with you.... When I play hardpoint domination i sort of expect more xp then I would if I were to play attrition. That is not the case, if I have to kill enemies and capture points at the same time, I should get much more xp, so I guess attrition is the way to go for now..