Hello all!

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Pitch_Invader, Jan 2, 2017.

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  1. Pitch_Invader

    Pitch_Invader Generation 2

    Jan 2, 2017
    Hi - I was basically addicted to Titanfall, and now I've spent the past week staying up until 3 or 4 a.m. playing Titanfall 2. I've been pretty frustrated with the game, to be honest, and I am curious how other longtime Titanfall players are reacting to the new version. I'm gonna poke around in these threads and chime in once I figure out the lay of the land.
    • Like Like x 2
  2. Ik0n88x

    Ik0n88x Generation 7
    Elite Pilot

    Jan 25, 2014
    What's up man? First off, welcome to the community!

    How do I feel about the game? I'm absolutely having a blast playing it on both Xbox and PS4. There are some things that I think could have been done better and some things I think they could tweak. However, I think it's one of the best games of 2016 and easily my favorite game in a long time. I'm a hardcore Titanfall fan but I think I enjoy this one a bit more when I take away the nostalgia factor with Titanfall 1.
  3. ensc

    ensc Generation 7
    Elite Pilot

    May 29, 2016
    Welcome aboard pilot! TF1 was my favorite video game of all time. I'm not a fan of traditional FPS games and that is why I loved Titanfall, because it was a new, exciting and unique experience. I was and am still furious with the changes they made. Almost everything they did was with the intention of moving in the direction of a traditional FPS game. There are already plenty of those to choose from and I think it was a big mistake to rip the heart out of something that was unique and exciting and make it just another traditional FPS game. My only hope is that as the one marketing guru on here, DARK_BAWGS, mentioned, perhaps they did this to increase the user base, but then in DLC they will start bringing TF1 stuff back in, and then once there are more people who see the value in Titanfall, they can really bring a lot of the stuff that made TF1 unique back in when they make TF3. I'm hopeful of that, but I'm not holding my breath, because these devs worked on COD games and a lot of their buddies love COD and traditional FPS games. I think they got an earful, because those COD lovers hated TF1, so they only listened to them and not to the people who actually loved TF1. Therefore, I think they had it in their minds that TF1 was almost a mistake and they feel they have corrected a lot of that and are moving in the right direction. Unfortunately, if I am right about that, then TF1 will be the only truly new, exciting experience we will have, because anything down the road could pretty much be part of the COD collection. Here is a graphic I made when some were not happy during the tech test, which I haven't shared for awhile, but this pretty much sums up how I feel.
  4. rainman0211

    rainman0211 Generation 7
    Elite Pilot

    Oct 17, 2014
    Welcome to the cmmunity @Pitch_Invader. You've got a mix of likers, dislikers and fence straddlers. I myself am of the fence straddler faction for now anyway. Being a hardcore TF1 fan, (enough of a fan to start another account and play it all over again) I think this time I won't be playing thru it again though. Going thru the campaign on Hard now. Just waiting to see just what RESPAWN has instore for the game.
    • Like Like x 1
  5. ensc

    ensc Generation 7
    Elite Pilot

    May 29, 2016
    I am with you brother and I pretty much agree with everything you listed in the "Arguments in favor of SBMM & "Game is Dying"" thread.
    • Like Like x 1
  6. Bruvas

    Bruvas Generation 7
    Elite Pilot

    Jul 17, 2014
    Welcome to the forums pilot!
  7. Kingkat54

    Kingkat54 Generation 7

    Dec 9, 2013
    Welcome Pilot to these forums! Great members here, and great players too!
    • Like Like x 1
  8. Trini Chinese

    Trini Chinese Generation 7

    Jul 1, 2016
    welcome brother , nice to meet you . enjoy the forums.
  9. MDVillarreal

    MDVillarreal Generation 3

    Aug 6, 2014
    Pilot gameplay is pretty much the same, although mobility isn't as important as it used to be given how much smaller most of the maps are.

    Titan gameplay has changed quite a bit (for better and worse). I think the battery system is a good idea, but I don't like how you're locked into the rodeo animation immediately and I don't like that you have no control over how you jump off a titan after rodeo (you always fly backwards). The number one thing to keep in mind anytime that you play as a Titan is that you must play to that Titan's strengths to have success with them (Ronin is lethal in CQC, but can't take much damage directly; Northstar is very effective at long range, but won't last long up close; Scorch can take a lot of damage, but is very much support/defense-oriented and not terribly useful as a solo striker; Ion/Tone/Legion can all be used as attackers or defenders, though Legion's best used as straight up merciless assault).

    Unless you're an awesome shooter and can carry an entire team on your back, you will find more success traveling with your team rather than going lone wolf. This is very important when you start calling in Titans as a team of Titans that work together to support each other will last much longer than a team of Titans all trying to do their own thing.