Hey Guys, former community moderator!

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Myth700, Oct 31, 2016.

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  1. Myth700

    Myth700 Generation 1

    Oct 31, 2016
    Hi everyone,

    I'm Myth700 or Steve. I was a community moderator for Respawn during the first Titanfall. I've been asked by Laddie (Also former moderator who runs the longest running community event for Titanfall, Titanfall Tuesdays) to have a go at organising Titanfall Tuesdays for the PC EU guys and gals

    I hope this is ok with the mods here but just trying to get it out there that I'm going to be doing this every Tuesday night from 7-10+pm GMT every week with a goal of consistency to help build the community, everyone will be welcome to join in. This is my first time doing this so right now I'm running off the top of my head and figured this would be a good place to get the word out.

    You can get me on Twitter @Myth700700, Origin: Myth700 or Steam: Myth700700

    There is also an in game Titanfall Tuesdays Network that has been created see link below


    I hope this isn't against the rules and is in the right section, apologies to the mods if it isn't
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