How to Destroy Enemy Dropship

Discussion in 'General Titanfall discussion' started by DiirtyRed1, Mar 24, 2014.

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  1. DiirtyRed1

    DiirtyRed1 Generation 2

    Mar 18, 2014
    Hey guys whats going on? I just made a video on my channel talking about how to destroy an enemy dropship. This technique works almost every single time! In this video I talk about how the nuclear ejection causes tons of damage to the dropship if the dropship is very close to the Titan. Also in the video I discuss some of the strategies I like to have when taking down the dropship. My biggest tip is to have on electric smoke on and pop that up when the dropship first lands. Then you want to shoot your rockets into the dropship and empty out your pimary weapon. Finally you want to shoot out of your titan and cause the nuclear explosion to take place right next to the dropship. Now this has worked for me about 90% of the time when the dropship is at a location closer to the ground or right next to the titan. I hope you guys enjoyed this video and this tip! Hopefully it works for you as good as it has been working for me!

