"I Killed Them All" Achievement

Discussion in 'Titanfall 360 & Xbox One' started by maroofisonfire, Apr 7, 2014.

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  1. maroofisonfire

    maroofisonfire Generation 2

    Mar 19, 2014
    I Killed Them All - 25 G - Killed all pilots during the evacuation single-handedly

    Anyone have it? For those that don't, wanna get it? 'Cause we should.

    And before some self-entitled Titanfall elitist comes in here and tells me we need to "earn" this achievement and work for it, first of all, shut the hell up. Second of all, you CANNOT get this achievement if you are not communicating with your team to back off and not take any of the epilogue kills. And guess what? If you go in a random lobby and ask your team to do so, and they agree, it is the exact same thing as what I am suggesting here.

    So, if there are 5 skilled Titanfall players who want this achievement, drop those GTs and let's get that achievement ASAP.
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  2. WhoIsDo

    WhoIsDo Generation 7

    Nov 15, 2013
    I keep forgetting about this achievement. I almost had it the other night when the entire team was in the dropship, but they flew away just before we blew it up!
  3. maroofisonfire

    maroofisonfire Generation 2

    Mar 19, 2014
    I get so close to getting it all the time and then I'll blow up the dropship and there will be one guy who didn't jump on the ship or is AFK in some random corner of A on Fracture -.-
  4. maroofisonfire

    maroofisonfire Generation 2

    Mar 19, 2014
    So everyone else has this achievement then? Good on you all. I did the same thing for the 50 Gooser and got two replies - those two guys and I got it and then a week later everyone starts clamoring for invites. Yeah...no.
  5. A.C

    A.C Generation 4

    Feb 18, 2014
    I'm in the UK. Connections will suffer if, as I expect, you're from the U.S and we lobby up.
  6. vaguecmac

    vaguecmac Generation 2

    Mar 15, 2014
    Or you could just have a team of 4 all make it on the ship, then blow the ship up. Boom...
  7. maroofisonfire

    maroofisonfire Generation 2

    Mar 19, 2014
    Actually, no - we've had two groups lobby up from Canada, UK, and the US, and we got Gooser done for 4 of us.

    And thanks, vaguecmac, I'll let the other team of rnadoms know that they all either need to jump on so I can kill them or that two of them should leave and the other four should jump on. I don't know why I didn't think of that.
  8. x ERASURE

    x ERASURE Generation 2

    Mar 23, 2014
    Got it the other day against three people, so was fortunate that there wasn't any more enemies. I sat near the evac site on lagoon and each pilot walked one by one to hide somewhere for the arrival and I just picked them off. Glad I got it legit, but it is pure luck in order to achieve it.
  9. maroofisonfire

    maroofisonfire Generation 2

    Mar 19, 2014
    Precisely - it's absurd.
  10. Jim

    Jim Generation 1

    Apr 10, 2014
    I would like to play on full teams trying to get this. GT on XBox One is Humphree Jonson
  11. maroofisonfire

    maroofisonfire Generation 2

    Mar 19, 2014
    I will add you then, Jim! Try to be on actively as you're able - I've got friends who get on and all we'd need is for enough to be on to avoid randoms :)
  12. Noah Blevins

    Noah Blevins Generation 3

    Feb 1, 2014
    Boosting is pathetic.

    They are called achievements for a reason.....and yes, you can get it without a team that communicates.

    I've earned this achievement 3 times legit. Of course it only unlocks once....but you do get some bonus experience for single handedly killing the enemy team. I've done it twice with the enemy team having 4 players, and once with them having 5.
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  13. maroofisonfire

    maroofisonfire Generation 2

    Mar 19, 2014
    Yeah, I'm gonna call bullshit.

    Or if you did somehow get it 3 times as if it's a challenge, you played with a team who were AFK or crap or doing absolutely nothing, so shut the hell up, mk?

    You can do it without a communicating team when they're doing absolutely nothing and LET the enemies get onto the drop ship. Either that or you have a way of teleporting all around the map to pick the people off.

    You do what you gotta do, and we'll do what we gotta do. Be constructive or keep your elitist videogame mindset to yourself.
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  14. Noah Blevins

    Noah Blevins Generation 3

    Feb 1, 2014
    Call BS all you like. I have the achievement. The dropships only come so many ways, and over the course of a couple hundred matches it makes sense you would get some opportunities. YOU are the one who said it couldn't be done in your OP. I said otherwise and have the achievement as proof. You then tell me to shut up.

    I don't see how saying it can be done, then telling you how I've done it each time wasn't being constructive....unless being constructive means agreeing with you and being willing to cheat to progress a little faster.

    I don't play with a communicating team. I play with randoms pretty much every day that I play. I don't have an elitist mindset, I have a sense of playing fairly, as intended. Perhaps you should take your entitled cheaters mentality and leave the game.

    Many players complained about gooser, or at least thought it was hard even if they didn't complain. Many of us just played the game as intended and passed the challenge. You have admitted you rigged and boosted yours.
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  15. RobJigga

    RobJigga Generation 2

    Feb 22, 2014
    If the ship blows up with the team trying to leave,and your team is shooting the hell out of it,why doesnt your whole team get the achievement? Ive been trying to get this achievement,most run to the ship,but theres always one guy whos stays for kills or something.
  16. Dia an Maraithe

    Dia an Maraithe Generation 1

    Mar 29, 2014
    Does blowing up the drop ship even work? achievement says single handedly. I know when everyone is shooting the ship you get an assist if you weren't the one to fire the kill shot.
  17. Bumwhiskers

    Bumwhiskers Generation 2

    Apr 11, 2014
    It isn't boosting if you run a full party and co-ordinate with your teammates. That's called teamwork.
  18. Benny7861

    Benny7861 Generation 1

    Apr 13, 2014

    I would love to get this achievement if you are still helping people. My tag is Benny7861
  19. RobJigga

    RobJigga Generation 2

    Feb 22, 2014
    Still think blowing up the ship should count toward it.Its a hard achievement,always one enemy pilot ruins it or sometimes a teammmate lol.
  20. Benny7861

    Benny7861 Generation 1

    Apr 13, 2014
    Yeah the ship seemed like the best bet cause people are pretty random. If someone got a group together I would help get this done.