Is this game dying, or does the matchmaking system suck?

Discussion in 'Titanfall PC' started by XxShM0DyxX, May 12, 2014.

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  1. Awsam

    Awsam Generation 2

    May 16, 2014
    I play AUS Servers after 10pm nearly every night. Haven't got into a PH match since the first week of launch, haven't had CTF match in 4 weeks (except variety pack, which often empties the lobby) and never get a hardpoint match after matchmaking team split. I spend almost 15 minutes trying to get into another HP match and just give up and go Attrition.
    Who would have thought Titanfall team deathmatch would be Australia's favorite *sigh.
  2. skgiam

    skgiam Generation 2

    Apr 29, 2014
    I'm from Malaysia, South East Asia and I play on PC. I can only play on Attribution and not other game mode, which is so sad