K/D Ratio

Discussion in 'Titanfall 360 & Xbox One' started by VenserTheExiled, May 1, 2014.

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  1. VenserTheExiled

    VenserTheExiled Generation 1

    Apr 13, 2014
    After playing for a bit on the 360, then moving to the Xbox One, things have been smooth along all playing fields as far as transitioning from one console to the next. I was basically forced to start over in levels / regen coming from the 360. This gave me the chance to try and improve maybe my K/D... just to make myself feel better. But my question is, what is considered a decent K/D in the game. Mostly considering you can get a lot of AI kills, the ratio is obviously better if it's higher than at least a 2.0 , at least in my eyes. I'm running around with a 7.9 K/D still in my first regen, level 36. last 10 games I have a 14.1 K/D. I'm curious as to what everyone else has, and is working towards. Or maybe you don't even care, which is fine it's your opinion. Thanks for reading my wall of text, xoxo
  2. Rambotiger

    Rambotiger Generation 3

    Apr 24, 2014
    I'm not entirely sure, but my guess is the lifetime KD is either just for the AI or everything averaged together. But I mostly pay attention to the KD vs Pilots.
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  3. ThatTitanfallGuy

    ThatTitanfallGuy Generation 3

    Apr 19, 2014
    #3 ThatTitanfallGuy, May 2, 2014
    Last edited: May 2, 2014
    The Lifetime Kill to Death Ratio is all kills added together. The Pilot one is what I consider the more "worthy" KDR.
    I went over what I consider good KDs across all FPS games. So I'll just re-iterate it here.

    Anything below a 0.8 KDR is kind of bad.
    Anything around a 1.0 KDR is average.
    Anything between 1.3-1.6 is above average.
    Anything from 1.7-2.0 is good.
    Anything from 2.1-2.6 is pretty good.
    And Anything after that is a great KDR.

    (This is also for the KDR vs Pilots.)
  4. Rambotiger

    Rambotiger Generation 3

    Apr 24, 2014
    Then I'm pretty good! My KD v Pilots is 2.3 and on the rise. My past ten games is 4.4
  5. Sulq

    Sulq Generation 5

    Mar 16, 2014
    I'm above average at a 1.6. (According to ThatTitanfallGuys' description.)

    It's been rising, the lowest was a 1.2 in he beginning. I'm trying to get it to a 2.0. I would be happy with that.

    But then again, no one can see it other than yourself. So validity of these may be off, unless pictures are provided. But for a video game and random stat that is just a small tangent?...that's a lot of messing around with.
  6. ThatTitanfallGuy

    ThatTitanfallGuy Generation 3

    Apr 19, 2014
    Yeah. It is odd that you cant view someone elses stats. Yet...

    But yeah my KDR is 3.3 vs Pilots and 8.1 Lifetime.
  7. Rambotiger

    Rambotiger Generation 3

    Apr 24, 2014
    I think they should change it to where everyone can see the overview of your stats.
  8. ThatTitanfallGuy

    ThatTitanfallGuy Generation 3

    Apr 19, 2014
    Really, any viewing of another players stats would be helpful and beneficial.
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  9. TitanWet

    TitanWet Generation 2

    Apr 3, 2014
    no disrespect but,what a load of nonsense.k/d means verylittle in this game.i have a friend who go's negative nearly every game yet a high percentage of this he is mvp.this is not cod,k/d does not matter,its the win and playing the game that counts
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  10. TheANDY69

    TheANDY69 Generation 2

    May 3, 2014
    The only way he could be MVP with a negative score is if the rest of his team is rubbish 1 of the matches iv been in iv had like 11 v pilot 6 v titans and 15 v grunts /// me with 4 deaths but i wasn't MVP because some1 else got more kills

    every1s got there own opinion but to be honest id like to check others k/d because the ones with high k/d most of the time 8/10 are the other teams best player and alot of the time when you vs some1 with negative k/d its just like farming and it tells you alot about the other player and there gameplay (stats from other people iv played online) that's how i came up with that stat

    like if there k/d is good for grunts but negative vs pilots means they go more for grunts and get killed more by humans your right its not cod but K/D still tells you alot

    (GAME PLAY) with me i dont chase grunts i see it as a way to let the opposition know my location
    i try go only where i think the pilots will be but if i have to i try to melee the grunts so i dont show up on the mini map or il hack them (if robots)

    so that's why i think k/d is more helpful then most people think and it says alot about that persons game-play and or game skill

    because of the game style i use my k/d vs pilots is higher then my k/d vs grunts

    i hope this might help some players with the way they play or some tips they can use
    feel free to ask anything and il help if possible
    pleasant battles all
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  11. TitanWet

    TitanWet Generation 2

    Apr 3, 2014
    Absolute rubbish,kills dont count for much unless you play attrition.in objective games its the capture and hold that counts as these score higher,high k/d does NOT indicate a good player,not even in cod,most of the time it indicates that the person is selfish and does not participate in team play.i have gone in to slayer mode in this,scoring high pilot kills but i play objective modes and it dosnt help the team that much.A good player is someone who plays to benefit and gain wins for the team,regardless what their finishing stats are.
  12. TheANDY69

    TheANDY69 Generation 2

    May 3, 2014
    yes sorry i should of added that k/d mean nothing when in objective modes but i like it for attrition and modes like that because i think it tells you if they are pilot hunters or grunt hunters

    if your mainly a objective player its hard to keep a high k/d unless you dont play the objective and mainly go for kills so yes it shows players selfishness in that way

    with hard-point i like to do the opposite to the team if they attack il go around defending basses unless im needed or if the team defends il attack objective games are good if you want to know if you have any selfish players on your team or if you have a team of your own

    MSG to objective players get and use a mic
    nothing more annoying then talking to a brick wall =P
  13. TitanWet

    TitanWet Generation 2

    Apr 3, 2014
    I totally agree,this game is terrible for communication,thats why i play with a group of mates.although i do think alot dont use mics cos they dont like to use the crappy mic/headset that comes bundled.M/soft made it intentionally difficult to obtain headset adaptors by issuing very low stocks to shops so that it wuold be more likely to buy a new set.also the party system n the bone is still very poor.
  14. A.C

    A.C Generation 4

    Feb 18, 2014
    #14 A.C, May 3, 2014
    Last edited: May 3, 2014
    I have a 3.6 v Pilots and something like 11.5 Overall.

    I'm not saying that's good - infact, I want it to be higher (with no elitism or arrogance attached); a lot of people forget that killing Pilots in your Titan also boost your Pilot KD and so for me, the PIlot KD really isn't a true reflection.

    If like me, you main the Chaingun - it is easy to pick up 2-3 pilot kills (giving me a 2-3 Pilot KD for that match) before your Titanfall -and go on to comfortable add 3 maybe 4 if not more Pilot Kills whilst in my Titan. By the time my Titan is destroyed, I eject with a KD of roughly 7.0 - if I can avoid death or maybe take a death or 2 before my next Titanfalls - I can easily be on my way to 12-2, 13-2, 13-0, 15-2, 15-3 type scorelines - which is very different to, and significantly easier to achieve in comparison to similar scorelines without the use of a Titan (playing solely as a pilot - even if I did use the carbine!). I suppose that it helps that I'm handy with a carbine to stay alive outstide of my titan, but hopefully you should be able to make out from this post exactly why I think pilot KD is diluted.

    I am a Gen 9 with all but the Kraber and Hemlock weapon challenges completed (I have roughly 50% in both of those) so I have used/use all weapons. I also have a 30%+ liklihood of being top-3 and a 65%+ W/L... which is on the rise for example during Gen 8, at 100 matches played, I had 81 wins...

    I also play completely solo.

    Make of my numbers and opinion what you will.
  15. A.C

    A.C Generation 4

    Feb 18, 2014
    Also it is possible to go negative and top the leaderboards.

    I saw someone with 9 pilot kills 11 deaths, 6 titan kills and a healthy number of minion kills during a game of attrition - they topped the leaderboard with a 100+ and won the game in the process.

    So K/D isn't everything in Titanfall either..

    An average Attrition points stat would be amazing. I'd pride myself on this more than I would a K/D.. alas this doesn't exist so I cling to the KD.
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  16. TheANDY69

    TheANDY69 Generation 2

    May 3, 2014
    yea well i thought they were fixing the whole party thing that's the biggest problem i had at the start

    i understand about people not wanting to use the standard mics but the smallest bit of communication is better then none iv had more lobbies with players either in party's or not using mics then lobby's with mics

    because iv got 1 of those crappy mics to but it does the job until i can get a good headset
    so i haven't had to many problems every now and again others cant hear me but i can hear them but its a quick-fix of turning the control off and on then it works again

    i would like lobby's with mic only players (but i doubt that will happen)
    hence the reason i used to play S&D on cod because they were full lobby of players with headset
    i find games with a team of player with headsets is also more enjoyable and entertaining then a silent game (As-long as people aint being dumb on mic) like screaming loud rubbish music etc
  17. Crazy wee man

    Crazy wee man Generation 2

    Apr 25, 2014
    Mine is sat at one, mainly due to CTF and HP, as I tend to die a lot these days as I'm quite aggressive at them, almost kamikaze. But then attrition offsets that. I started off at .3 and worked my way up.
  18. TheANDY69

    TheANDY69 Generation 2

    May 3, 2014
    yeah its almost impossible to have a high k/d if you mainly play objective game modes and people that do have high k/d is because they aint playing the objective and being more of a selfish player and not getting the team points
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  19. TuffMeetsClassy

    TuffMeetsClassy NYC Native, OIF VET, Trainer, Professional Muter
    Elite Pilot

    Mar 22, 2014
    for as long as i've been playing online shooters...counterstrike 1.6....unreal....quake...mw1-3....there's always been this debate. "I've seen guys w/ high kds play like shit" "I have a shit kd but I'm a beast". this never gets old. my advice? play according to how you play. its your hard earned money. don't let anyone tell you that kd(or whatever stat for that matter) matters or doesn't matter. its up to you. if you start trying to satisfy other peoples needs for whats "good" it'll take away from enjoying the gaming experience...but that's my two cent. I'm all about enjoyment and of course winning(accuracy, kd or whatever the f*** you're looking for) falls into place. cya in game ladies

    ps....i'll be on ALL DAY tomorrow. feel free to add me:D
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  20. ThatTitanfallGuy

    ThatTitanfallGuy Generation 3

    Apr 19, 2014
    Alright lets settle this discussion, yet again.

    Everyone gets on the hype bus for KDR in all FPS Multiplayer games as they try and attain whatever KDR that their friends, strangers and themselves regard as a "good" KDR.
    But what everyone forgets is why it is so coveted.

    Some of you are right. KDR doesnt mean "everything," but the truth is, Your Kill Death Ratio does mean a lot.

    Having a "positive" KDR means that you have an understanding of how to maximize your score per life. It means you have at least a minimal understanding of how the game works, and that changes on a game by game basis. So that means you need to have some skill.

    Of course someone can get MVP of a match if they have a "negative" KDR. But like @TheANDY69 said, your team must not have been that good. Nor the opposing team.
    If you have a lot of kills, but just as many deaths or more... That means the other team is doing just as good as you are at killing, if not better. Which also means they are keeping up with the score of the game or (in the case of Titanfall because of no other "killstreak/scorestreak" other than your Titan) getting what propels them to a victory faster with the use of the Titan.

    Then there is the, "You dont need to have a good KDR to be good at an objective game mode like CTF."
    Again, that is partially true. But, again, its whatever requires you to win the game. Most of the time, a positive KDR leads to wins. No matter what game you are playing. Its statistically proven. If you dont think so, check your KDR, check your win percentage, and tell me there is no correlation.

    Now... I read @TuffMeetsClassy post, and that just makes me laugh a little bit. Let me explain.

    I get that it is your game, and you can play it however you want. But we are all humans and we all share the same basic values.
    Tell me, who the hell enjoys losing? I certainly dont want you on my team if you dont want to win. It doesnt matter what game or competition it is, if you can win in it, we as humans always want to achieve victory.

    Its a GAME that you can WIN in. And since people here are saying WINNING matters more than KDR, they are entirely correct. But, most of the time positive KDR's means wins. So thats just how the FPS world works. Thats just about how any game with a Kill count and Death count works.

    I get that its just a game and who really gives a damn. But lets be real. No one likes losing and surely if you are good at a game, and better than others, you can sit where I am and not have anyone tell you off.

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