Let's all be civil here, folks

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by WhoIsDo, Mar 13, 2014.

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  1. WhoIsDo

    WhoIsDo Generation 7

    Nov 15, 2013
    Hi everyone,

    It's come to my attention that a few of you are going to other Titanfall communities and telling those users to join here. Look, I appreciate your passion for this site, I honestly do. However, we can NOT have things like that happening.

    If anyone ever joins this site and PMs you to join another, please send me a message to let me know. I don't want to start forum wars here. There's more than enough room on the internet for multiple Titanfall sites, and people are more than welcome to choose which community they enjoy the most.

    Thank you all for choosing to be a member here, but remember to be civil and not do negative things to other communities! :)
    • Like Like x 8
  2. BloodShot9001

    BloodShot9001 Generation 3

    Mar 13, 2014
    Are we allowed to suggest publicly other forums not related to Titanfall? Not for the sake of stealing but more for the sake of community, and if anyone here is interested for them to just check out the other. If not, no big deal, just wanted to ask first.
  3. Gaming To Excess

    Gaming To Excess Generation 5

    Feb 12, 2014
    If i get a message like this i just delete it. This has to be the best Titanfall community on the internet and i mean that
    • Like Like x 4
  4. Chaz

    Chaz Generation 6
    Elite Pilot

    Jan 15, 2014
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  5. WhoIsDo

    WhoIsDo Generation 7

    Nov 15, 2013
    I love that you all want to bring people here, don't get me wrong! For something like that though, I'd just prefer you put a link in your signature (which most forums allow).
  6. Clarkeh

    Clarkeh Post-Patch Generation 6 Pilot
    Elite Pilot

    Feb 17, 2014
    What i think @WhoIsDo is trying to say is don't poach from other titanfall dedicated forums, It opens a can of worms which this forum doesn't need.
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  7. Carlos

    Carlos Generation 3

    Jan 13, 2014
    #7 Carlos, Mar 15, 2014
    Last edited: Mar 15, 2014
    When I read this thread, I read it like "The owner wants to either drive members away or rile members up."

    Let. members. do. what. they. please. It just means they're big fans of your site. You are creating a "word of mouth." If it creates a war, let. it. be. Controversy = Traffic.

    Oh, and I wouldn't want a like-minded or competing TitanFall site linking in his signature on my own TitanFall site. Neither should you.

    If a like-minded or competing Call of Duty site came into my [C0D] site and tried to steal my members through signature marketing... They're banned on sight.

    It's okay for a clan site to advertise their clan site, or non-competing site...

    Once again, it ain't my site. Do what you wish. :D
  8. Clarkeh

    Clarkeh Post-Patch Generation 6 Pilot
    Elite Pilot

    Feb 17, 2014
    Im sorry but you just condricted yourself in your own post, First you say let members do what they want (Sorry Carlos @WhoIsDo makes the rules and you abide by them or go somewhere else to talk about Titanfall) and then you say you ban people who go onto your CoD site with forum URLs.
    • Like Like x 3
  9. Kingkat54

    Kingkat54 Generation 7

    Dec 9, 2013
    I just can not understand that this site, or any forum- site for that matter, really needs 1,000 or 2,000 members to survive. I can't remember WHAT day it is, let along almost 2,000 names. :rolleyes:

    I would rather we maintain a small, well informed and civil group that enjoys visiting the site, chatting about the game, and having fun playing the game as team mates or opponents. I do not see why we would need so many members to accomplish this. Will we be told that we can no longer be a TF site because our membership is below a specific number?o_O
    I doubt it too.

    I support the efforts of WholsDO and his staff. They are dedicated and honest , and certainly have the best interests of this community at heart.
    If informing members that the community does NOT want members to "poach" other sites for members, and that such actions may drive members away..........or make them not want to be a member, then I say so be it. We would be better served with a smaller group of members.

    And as Carlos states, "Once again, it ain't my site. Do what you wish." I suspect we will, we will.
    • Like Like x 3
  10. Carlos

    Carlos Generation 3

    Jan 13, 2014
    #10 Carlos, Mar 15, 2014
    Last edited: Mar 15, 2014
    No, you're not sorry. You didn't even pay attention.

    What THIS thread's connotation is that - members of THIS site shouldn't go to another like-minded TitanFall site and talk about THIS site. So, the owner doesn't really want "Word of mouth." What I'm saying is that - let them do the advertising for you. If it creates a TF site vs TF site war. I reiterate: Let it. Competition happens, no matter how you slice it. No matter how hard you try to put a lid on it (as in this thread). And if you ban users just for talking about your site, you're losing what marketers call "the power players" that make the site. You lose them, all of these 1,000 members will just bail. You end up losing, and you end up having a dead site.

    I ban folks only when a user comes onto my CoD site with the intention of advertising their competing. Read that last word, again: Competing. Advertising their competing Call of Duty site. If you came onto my site, and advertised a TitanFall community like this site, I'd allow it. Why? Because it has nothing to do with Call of Duty (other than the founder, of course).

    That's why, the other week, I brought up not worrying about allowing clan sites to link to their clan forum. Because they're not really competing against you. They're not trying to steal your members.

    If you don't like me or have a problem with me, @Clarkeh - then don't respond.
  11. Junaid

    Junaid Generation 1

    Mar 13, 2014
    hi carlos
  12. WhoIsDo

    WhoIsDo Generation 7

    Nov 15, 2013
    Going to lock this thread since someone can't play nice. :)
    • Like Like x 1
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