Looks like I won't be regenerating again...

Discussion in 'Titanfall 360 & Xbox One' started by Feed Me Camels, Mar 14, 2014.

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  1. Feed Me Camels

    Feed Me Camels Generation 2

    Mar 14, 2014
    Ill start by saying this isn't a total complaint thread, I love this game..as evidenced by my playtime. The first time I regenerated I was surprised to see that I had to complete specific challenges in order to regenerate another time - I thought this was an interesting a unique way to keep me occupied and focused while leveling up, and considering my challenges were the 40mm ( not bad ) and Eva-8 ( I don't care for the shotgun, but it wasn't a bad ride ) I wasn't totally against the idea. However...on my second regeneration I got R-97 ( my best gun anyway ) satchel charges ( only ordinance I use ) anddddd....the plasma railgun. My heart sank at the sight of needing to use this 30rpm BB gun. What are your thoughts on this challenge system and the railgun itself? I can bust an ogres shield with a charged blast but after that I just look like a free kill. If anyone can ravage titans with this thing, fill me in on how!
  2. Force58

    Force58 Generation 2

    Feb 23, 2014
    #2 Force58, Mar 14, 2014
    Last edited: Mar 14, 2014
    Ok, I figured it out as I wasn't aware you could regenerate once you reach level 50. Pretty cool so you're not wasting XP like you do in Borderlands 2. I also saw the list of what you have to do to regenerate up through level 10. How in the world have you managed to play through 2 regenerations already????? You're an animal (and I mean that in a good way)!!!


    What exactly do you mean by "regeneration", and why do you feel you won't be regenerating again? As far as the challenge system, I think its fine the way it is. Each weapon has its own challenge upgrade path and I'm not sure if Respawn chose the unlocks with any particular upward scaling path in mind or not. I suspect not, as like the Sidewinder, you can pick to work on the extended mag or the improved fire rate upgrade separately. I just got my hands on the railgun and I see people not using it the same way they do the sidewinder, instead, there's alot more defensive-minded gameplay involved due to the charge time and being exposed during that time. It's effective during Last Titan Standing when you're assisting another Titan and all of the focus isn't on you, but one on one, I agree, I'm using something else more often than not.

  3. Force58

    Force58 Generation 2

    Feb 23, 2014
  4. jlw771

    jlw771 Generation 1

    Mar 12, 2014
    Do the challenges you have completed reset when you regenerate or does it just reset the unlocks and you back to level one?
  5. Force58

    Force58 Generation 2

    Feb 23, 2014
    I have to take that back. This is from the TF Wiki. Once you regenerate back to level 1 all your challenges revert back as well. Not sure I like that. However you earn XP at a much higher rate:

    Regeneration is a feature in Titanfall that allows your pilots to become a Next Generation Pilot. This will reset all your challenges, unlocks, and revert you to level 1. In return, you will gain experience at an accelerated rate during the next generation and display a special chip next to your gamertag. You will also keep all Burn Cards and unlocked Titans.

    To regenerate, you must reach level 50 and complete all necessary challenges that appear. You will then be able to select the "Regenerate" option at the menu. Counting the starting 50 levels, there are ten generations total. All players start out at Generation 1 and can regenerate up to nine times.
  6. Mouskatool

    Mouskatool Stand by for Titanfall
    Elite Pilot

    Mar 12, 2014
    I've been using the Pulse Cannon a lot, which is pretty similar to the Railgun. I hated the Pulse Cannon because I thought it was weak, but after using it for a few matches going for the All Charged Up achievement, I saw how powerful it really is when used properly.

    The tactic I use is I will stand behind cover and let it charge to about 1/2 - 3/4, and then move out of cover to line up the shot, and after it's been fired dash back behind cover and start again.

    OR if I'm close enough, after that first shot is fired I will use Ordnance, Vortex if necessary, and move in and start punching. I use the Big Punch kit and it's extremely powerful.

    Challenges are reset when you regenerate. It increases the amount of xp but not by 350%. There is a .1% bonus at Generation 2.

    Burn Cards carry over when you regenerate.
  7. Feed Me Camels

    Feed Me Camels Generation 2

    Mar 14, 2014
    Ah I see how it works now, I had assumed that regeneration challenges were randomized and I got painfully unlucky. Now that I see everyone has to complete the same challenges, I have a bit more drive to do them - consideri g how difficult some of them are, this games version of "prestige" actually carries prestige instead of "look at how much I've played" thank you all for the input.
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  8. Tor kilby

    Tor kilby Generation 2

    Mar 14, 2014
    Having the same issue as I have seen BF 4 users have. Got kicked from a match saying there was bad reception got back in and I went from a rank 36 to a 1 wtf is going on??? Anyone lose seeing this???
  9. Noah Blevins

    Noah Blevins Generation 3

    Feb 1, 2014
    Use the railgun fully charged to drop their shields, then use salvo or whatever you have equipped to damage their frame. Once that lands you should have a fully charged shot ready for their weak spot. Land that and they are toast. If not, then simply shoot them anywhere with your remaining shots.

    I find it to be some insanely fast kills in a titan.
  10. megabeast37215

    megabeast37215 Generation 2

    Mar 15, 2014
    Use the fully charged shot on their head.. use the dash to get into position for the headshot. It's quite a bit easier in Last Titan Standing as you can killsteal any titan with 2 bars of armor with a fully charged shot. If you don't charge it fully.. don't even bother with it. It also works good with Big Punch... Shoot em with the Plasma, empty your rocket salvo, punch them in the face, finish with another charged plasma shot.
  11. Machinimastone

    Machinimastone Generation 1

    Mar 15, 2014
    I'm not regenerating either. I absolutely loved this game until I realized you had to complete challenges to prestige further. The shotgun and 40MM cannon ones weren't so bad, but the plasma railgun absolutely sucks. I can't get 3 kills with that thing, let alone 50. This has ruined Titanfall for me. I don't want the game anymore, I'd rather have gotten the Forza bundle. I can't believe that the people that made it had so much potential and then did something so stupid that destroyed the game.
  12. Captain Sierra

    Captain Sierra Generation 2

    Mar 12, 2014
    @Feed Me Camels,
    The plasma railgun is unique among chargable weapons in that it can hold it's charge indefinitely but only charges when you are zoomed in (ADS modifier key). The trick to using it is treat it as a titan sniper cannon. A fully charged shot will annihilate an enemy titan in 2-3 hits max, especially if you can land a critical hit. I must admit I thought the same thing when I first used it, but then I tried it out from long distance in Last Titan Standing. Wow, it's better than the arc cannon, my long time go-to weapon. Being able to use it proficiently is a challenge. There's a reason it's a generation requirement. Respawn isn't about to spoonfeed players so they made the generation challenge a challenge for one of the harder weapons to use right. I think if you give the gun a chance, you'll find that it has a nice niche role and it does it very well.

    Another secret is to engage enemies already occupied with another titan. They're less likely to notice you taking potshots on them and your high damage per shot (at full charge) is likely to steal the kill from your ally without difficulty.

    As for me, I have no plans to regenerate soon not because of the challenges, but because I want to enjoy the game with everything unlocked for a little while rather than locking everything again. I want to get some use out of all those sights I unlocked rather than having to do it again immediately.
  13. megabeast37215

    megabeast37215 Generation 2

    Mar 15, 2014
    Learn to be proficient with other weapons. The Plasma gun wrecks shop if you know how to use it. Quit being a crybaby.
  14. Feed Me Camels

    Feed Me Camels Generation 2

    Mar 14, 2014
    After forcing myself to use the railgin for a few hours, I'm starting to really like it. My mistake the first time was trying to pair it with the strider and stay mobile, popping shots when I could, but the ads movement speed penalty ruined me. When I put it on the ogre, it seems to intimidate most other titan pilots into retreat or innacurate fire when an ogre breaks their shield in one hit lol
  15. Machinimastone

    Machinimastone Generation 1

    Mar 15, 2014
    It'd be fine if the other weapons didn't suck. I can take down 5 titans losing only half my health with my
    XO-16 Chaingun, electrical smoke, and cluster missile. I can't even get one kill with that useless plasma railgun. Even 4 shots with full charge doesn't damage them. Makes you look like a joke. The satchel charges also suck, they usually disappear before you have a chance to blow them up.
  16. megabeast37215

    megabeast37215 Generation 2

    Mar 15, 2014
    I call BS. Also if you think satchel charges AND the railgun both suck.. L2P kiddo.
  17. Feed Me Camels

    Feed Me Camels Generation 2

    Mar 14, 2014
    It might be cheap, but the best way to get pilot kills with satchels is to look at popular holdout spots or enemy hardpoints with active radar. Minion detector can help you determine whether the skeleton you see is a pilot or grunt, throw the satchel around the corner and flap the clapper, just make sure the satchel didn't land right in front of you... they also seem to do some crazy damage to titans.
  18. Mouskatool

    Mouskatool Stand by for Titanfall
    Elite Pilot

    Mar 12, 2014
    The challenges are there to CHALLENGE you. They give meaning to the Generation tag next to our names, because without the challenges it's just mindless prestige that proves nothing more than you play the game a lot.
  19. aynrandsucks

    aynrandsucks Generation 2

    Mar 14, 2014
    I'm upset that the challenges eventually run out for a gun. the don't feel comfortable in gun battles unless i'm using the carbine, but once i completed all the challenges for it i leveled up EXTREMELY slowly, even when I was having monster games. to whoever said they wished the challenges didn't reset after each regen, i don't think you understand the repercussions of a system like that :p
  20. ZJP

    ZJP Generation 5
    Elite Pilot

    Feb 20, 2014
    I love readin' this shit :)

    All the kiddies who wanted to "prestige" without any effort.

    This ain't Pokemon. Get over it and play. EARN it.

    Is it hard? GOOD. That makes it prestigious.

    You should be excited about this. Means you can't hide and just wait out your prestige. You have to put in the work.

    About to get GEN 3 and proud.
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