Losing Interest

Discussion in 'General Titanfall discussion' started by Gene, May 19, 2014.

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  1. Gene

    Gene Generation 2

    May 19, 2014
    Not to be a "Debbie Downer" but man this last expansion pack was a real let down to me personally. I feel as if our dedicated players, me being one (gen 10) deserved some more content. 3 maps? C'mon would it have been that difficult to improvise some customizable pilot/titan features? (Paint shop etc) I understand the complications in adding titans/ titan weapons but what about pilot weapons? What about new burn cards? How does everyone else feel? Am I alone? Or did we get the shaft?
    • Like Like x 2
  2. SnoSurfer

    SnoSurfer Generation 4

    May 10, 2014
    I don't think anyone got the shaft if they chose to get the season pass or map pack... They knew exactly what they were getting, and if you expected more that really is your own fault.

    However... This really does need more. They seem extremely reluctant to add anything that could upset what they think is a very balanced game (with no counter to satchel charges or active pulse I would say some things need to be added or changed for balance), but I would hope they are working hard on pilot and Titan customisation. Different paints, helmets, armour pieces etc... None of it has to change the actual hitbox or health.

    They do need to add more to this game other than maps though, that is for sure... But will they when they can just save extra stuff for the sequel? Time will tell, this game seems like a pretty expensive beta so far... A really good one, but expensive none the less!
  3. Drunken_Jedi

    Drunken_Jedi Generation 2

    Apr 29, 2014
    They are definitely goin to have to add something to address the matter of being able to earn burn cards at level 50 for any generation.

    There will come a point where players all completing the 960 challenges and unable to be earn burn cards, aside from the random ones that are earned outside of challenges.

    I have thought of 2 solutions that I will give a quick synopsis of and frankly I'm surprised that more people haven't voiced this concern and that the game doesn't have already.

    1. XP for burn cards. After level 50 your XP directly starts earning cards. Different amounts would lead up to certain cards with a rare every 200k or something. This would also make it to where if you are stuck on a challenge then it wouldn't all feel for naught.

    2. Daily/Weekly challenges that earn cards. Complete the different tiers of the challenges they put out to restack your deck.

    Kinda hijacked here, my response turned into a thesis.
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  4. SgtPain

    SgtPain Generation 4

    Apr 28, 2014
    Agree with @Drunken_Jedi about daily/weekly challenges.

    Bring it on!
  5. Gene

    Gene Generation 2

    May 19, 2014
    Honestly I'm just wondering if anyone else feels a bit neglected with the current content placed before us? I feel like our titanfall experience could be better if attention to the minor details was looked into. Unfortunately as a gen 10 pilot and the less that impressive expansion pack I'm left wondering if I'm going to continue playing the title.
  6. The Juggernaut

    The Juggernaut Generation 7

    Apr 2, 2014
    I was disappointed with only 3 new maps. When I got them I basically went 'Meh 'after 10 rounds and started playing regular modes again. I just wish they had more diversity to the game. A single new gamemode would have done it for me and made me think the DLC with 3 maps and a new gamemode was awesome.
  7. Drunken_Jedi

    Drunken_Jedi Generation 2

    Apr 29, 2014
    I agree that more attention to detail would be most welcome, but I think it's going to be extremely difficult for me to shelve this game anytime soon. I'm not gen10 like yourself, I just got to gen9 but I can't see myself getting profoundly proficient pakouring and then applying that in game in the next 2 gens. Not to mention that I have barely scratched the surface in diving in to all the game modes.

    I guess this game just does 'it' for me and feels so fresh, that I can overlook some of the bugs or even lack of content to this point. I may be naive but I think they are still brewing up some new, outside of just maps.

    Side note: I was a firm believer and all the voiced concern just reinforces my thoughts that it was way too early in the franchise to start charging for content, that essentially alienates&segregates it's player pool.
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  8. Sgt_rawk

    Sgt_rawk Generation 7

    Feb 4, 2014
    There has been plenty said on this subject. Titanfall has a 2 year cycle to contend with. They are reporting that the numbers of players are good, they are happy with sales and the game itself has surpassed all expectations based on all key performance indicators. They are going to be careful about how the game progresses.

    They will naturally take on Community feedback on this subject. I would suggest that you keep in touch via Twitter. This is a great forum to share ideas directly with the games creators. Titanfalls longevity will in part be dependant on the community remaining engaged with the game.

    Titanfall is shaping up as more a 'cult' phenomenon rather than a game that transcends its core audience. Its important to remember this is the first iteration of this game (Call of Duty went through 4 iterations before it created arguably the best one in "modern warfare, Halo until Halo 2 for arguably the best one) and Respawn is a highly experienced but relatively small organisation. It will take time and patience. We as the community need to stick with it to ensure the ongoing success of the game. Titanfall 2 will be a different animal as it will be wholly next gen and across all major platforms. Additionally they will have more resources to create the new game.

    They (Respawn) are not perfect however they are as invested in the games success as we are. Feedback to them (respectfully) and stay loyal. This will ensure the game gains longevity and continuing support.

    Addendum - I don't work for them...ha!
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  9. SgtPain

    SgtPain Generation 4

    Apr 28, 2014
    @Sgt-Rawk "Addendum"

    You may not finally agree with the writer, but when people are throwing in vocabulary like that you know that it's an opinion worth considering.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  10. boise

    boise Generation 4

    May 1, 2014
    When browsing threads like this I am constantly amazed at how many people reason.

    "The DLC consisted of only three new maps - that sucks!" We have known what the contents was going to be for a good while now - do you mean you cannot read? How long do you think it takes to create and test a well balanced map like these? Perhaps you watched the "making of Swampland" video and believed that was how it was created in real-time? Titanfall hasn't been out for that long, so I'm just happy that they have had time to get together a DLC at all this quick.

    And you Gen 10 guys; Do you actually believe that your opinion means more than anyone else's? You are not the target audience for games like Titanfall (or any other game I suppose). If you belong to the very tiny minority that have the time and will to sit down and play day and night just to reach top level as soon as possible, then good for you. But stop bitching about that there is not enough contents, variation, weapons, modes, and what-not in the game. There is plenty - try to enjoy it like most of us do instead of complaining in the forums.
    • Agree Agree x 5
  11. undeadunderware

    undeadunderware Generation 4

    Apr 28, 2014
    At least you did not buy the season pass for call of duty ghosts like I did. I cannot play the game since playing titanfall. I bought titanfall for the 360 on April 25th and have played everyday and as I am not the most talented player I have just got to gen 5 and hope to plod through to July to get gen 10. I think this game will keep my interest as (ghosts for example) other games now feel really slow. Will probably slack off a little at some point but definitely so far have got £43 pounds of entertainment. I work out cost per hour being a nerd so thus far having played over 48 hours its cost me less than a pound an hour cheaper and more fun than parking the car in town. Oh yes when I reach gen 10 i intend to pick just weapons I like and play without a care in the world but I do like earlier idea of chalkenges each week
  12. A.C

    A.C Generation 4

    Feb 18, 2014
    Yeah, I have lost interest too.

    I'm pretty good at the game - as a 10th gen pilot, 'just playing' isn't motivating enough. I enjoyed every single one of the regen challenges, because it kept me eager.

    You will not find a single post from me complaining about the regen challenges because I knew that, en completion, I was going to lose interest in the game and sure enough, that time has come.

    It also doesn't help that I usually go unchallenged in games. Now I'm not dick-waving, but the truth is being challenged keeps me coming back. Yearning to improve, keeps me coming back...

    No challenges or challenge from the enemy kills my motivation to play the game.
  13. SgtPain

    SgtPain Generation 4

    Apr 28, 2014
    Playing this is a bit like reading a good book that you don't want to end.

    I'm Gen 7 staying at level 50 for a while to master using the Kraber AP. what a beast.
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  14. boise

    boise Generation 4

    May 1, 2014
    Well, why not challenge yourself then? Make up your own challenges to beat. Like, I don't know - You're only allowed to shoot people in the feet. Or, Tag as many enemy pilots as possible with a single pistol round, but you're not allowed to kill anyone...

    The award for each challenge could be a shot of Tequila (or whatever you prefer), making the challenges more and more difficult ;)
  15. The Juggernaut

    The Juggernaut Generation 7

    Apr 2, 2014
    When I was sitting at a level with nothing really to do, the boredom hit me like a wet fish ( or whatever the fuk) and realized how much I loved doing the challenges and getting out of my comfort zone to use weapons that hate me. It alters my game style and smooth's out the bumps of it. I thought if im having a bad day i should stay back and move less. I got shot in the back, executed, flanked non-stop. I was finally like wtf and next game i decided to parkour 24/7. Lets just say I WAS the one perfectly flanking, getting behind people, and getting high amounts of kills. Now i know to MOVE as much as i can. Im doing DMR challenges and i still haven't found the correct playstyle for that sniper. Once i do i will find myself glad i had a challenge to do with that gun instead of smuggling up to my Carbine and failing at diversity.
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  16. Gene

    Gene Generation 2

    May 19, 2014
    First off id like to point out I didn't sit around and play day in and out. I shared a Opinion! Guess what you don't have to agree. Also yes putting in the effort to reach the top does make people's opinions more accurate because they've touched/ played thru it all. No where did I say I was a better person or anything for being gen 10. So take your own advice and stop bitching because people these days expect more for their money. People have higher expectations then we did years ago. You say maps arnt created in a day and I agree but how about looking across the board? Battle field for example. Now that's a serious season pass. New maps and game modes, skins and weapons. Don't be mad because people are willing to call it what it is "a let down"
  17. boise

    boise Generation 4

    May 1, 2014
    @Gene, I wasn't picking on you or anyone in particular here. I don't know you, and I wouldn't attack any individual for expressing his/her opinions. I was speaking in general, as I myself thought was pretty clear, but I guess not.

    That said, do you really think it's fair to compare Titanfall, coming from a relatively tiny and all new developer like Respawn, with multi-million franchises like Battlefield? I wonder how the number of developers, map makers, etc. in those would compare... Maybe you need to reconsider your "higher expectations" and put them on a reasonable level?

    And I'm not mad - just, as I said, amazed. "a let-down" - seriously? You probably need to get a life. Go for a long walk. Read a book. Just get away from the computer for a while til you can get a perspective.
  18. chejose

    chejose Generation 2

    Mar 24, 2014
    Man i feel your pain, i played it for like 3 days and have gone back to the original maps.

    Titan fall is one of those games that actually does benefit from larger maps, i think only 2 out of the 3 maps in the new DLC lend themselves to that.

    I would have liked to see some form of customisation, new pilot or titan skins ect. A bunch of new weapons or even score streaks would be cool too.
  19. Gene

    Gene Generation 2

    May 19, 2014
    Lol get a life? Man seriously? Your a troll - map pack isn't worth playing, rage some more on here it's great entertainment lol..... Ignorance in your gamer tag anywhere?
  20. Gene

    Gene Generation 2

    May 19, 2014
    Last time I checked a simple customizable paint booth wasn't "high demand" LMFAO