Losing Interest

Discussion in 'General Titanfall discussion' started by Gene, May 19, 2014.

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  1. TitanWet

    TitanWet Generation 2

    Apr 3, 2014
    Dosnt matter what i say,youll always 'think' your right.you patently dont know what 'diatribe' means(purchase a dictionary)..This is a multiplayer game only and barebones multiplayer at that and ghe price should reflect this.im not saying i dislike the game im saying the company should finish their product before release.Whats going to happen next if people like yourself continue to accept this!?just because you like what little theyve given you,dosnt mean you have to accept their platitudes.i didnt want to argue here but its only your veiw that matters eh?
  2. boise

    boise Generation 4

    May 1, 2014
    Hehe - I know I shouldn't answer this but I cannot help myself :) You just don't get it do you? I never said that I am right and you are wrong. I simply said that I disagree with your opinion, and asked you to explain what it is that you are missing as opposed to just repeating that the game isn't complete (unless you mean the fact that they keep finding new issues to fix, but that is just the normal life cycle of every piece of software, and I challenge you to name a single game in history where that is not the case). If you just keep rambling on with your generic complaints without being able to specify them, then I have to conclude that you are just a troll looking for attention. Are you?

    I do know the meaning of diatribe since I have need for it quite often when "debating" on the web, and nothing I have said here qualifies for it. Though I have to admit that I sometimes do make myself guilty of it :)
  3. TitanWet

    TitanWet Generation 2

    Apr 3, 2014
    Lol you are quite pompous and blinkered,its half a game!no single player just a few online modes,no real value for money....lol keep taking the bait,oh and why would my opinion of the game being overpriced be trolling?
  4. Telzen

    Telzen Generation 1

    Jun 1, 2014
    I still don't get why single player only games seem to be accepted but multi player ones aren't.
  5. Sloppy2nds

    Sloppy2nds Generation 2

    Apr 20, 2014
    So when you bought the game you didnt know exactly what you were getting , is that what you are saying ?
    Because it was common knowledge , guns , titans , maps no single player campaign beforehand..
  6. boise

    boise Generation 4

    May 1, 2014
    Pompous? I guess that means you are a child then? You see, this is how we grown-ups talk. Get used to it. When you grow up you will need to improve your communication skills as well if you ever want anyone to listen to what you have to say.

    I thought I new what "blinkered" means, but since that meaning would compare better with you than with me, I had to look it up. And guess what? I was right :)

    "lol keep taking the bait" Wow, seriously? You are sitting there Laughing Out Loud at someone for simply asking you what it is that you are missing i the game, and then you have the audacity of denying that you are a troll? Hmm, I guess you don't know what that word means either...

    Well, at least you finally provided a minimal answer to the question I have been asking you all along: "No single player" and "just a few online modes" Was it really that hard to say? Couldn't you just have done that the first time I asked and saved us both a lot of typing?

    I would love to have had a single player mode in Titanfall, and judging from the story line and dialog that they provided for the MP Campaign, I think that they could have created a really good one. Too bad, but as someone else said above, we all knew in advance that there was not going to be one. As for the number of game modes, I cannot say that I agree with you, but I have seen a few others say the same thing though so at least you are not alone in that.

    Someone suggested an idea for a new game mode in another thread here which sounded really good. I suggested that he tried to contact the developers with it since it sounded to me like it would not be too hard to implement in the future. So who knows - maybe we will see it in-game at some point. Maybe you could do the same thing, but you seem to be more interested in complaining than to do something about it.
  7. boise

    boise Generation 4

    May 1, 2014
    @MuscledRMH, maybe this is a stupid question, but what is a "hashtag system"? Is it perhaps a way to address messages similar to the first word here in my post, or is it something completely different?
  8. A.C

    A.C Generation 4

    Feb 18, 2014
    LOL. Okay if you say so.

    And how do you know what I am using or not using when I play? Oh, becasue you've seen my Go To class in my sig? It's a Go To class - nothing about having a Go To says I use nothing else, thank you very much.

    A case of selective reading? My subsequent post addressed my views on the post you selectively decided to quote.

    If you're going to point the finger, point it properly - take a step back boy, you're fanboyism is shining through - that's not a bad thing, I love the game, but it does not give you any grounds to try and insult other members of the board.

    You haven't lost interest? Power to you. Others have - tough cookie, deal with it.