
Discussion in 'Titanfall 2 News & Discussion' started by Shantmaster K, Aug 16, 2016.

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  1. Shantmaster K

    Shantmaster K Generation 2

    Aug 12, 2016
    From GameSpot:

    "Among the ways Respawn is attempting to expand the longevity of Titanfall 2's multiplayer scene is with something called Networks.

    This feature has been alluded to over the past few months but never detailed in full; Respawn simply described it as something that makes it "easy to play with friends old and new."

    Today, we learned it plans to do this through what amounts to a sort of clan system. You create a Network (which can have at least a few dozen people in it) that players can join, either to group up with friends or to find like-minded strangers to play with. Networks can be labeled in different ways to indicate whether its priorities are on competitive or casual play, for instance.

    Players can join more than one Network at a time, so you aren't limited to selecting a single group you want to associate with. The idea is to give you a smaller pool of people to associate with than what you would find through simple matchmaking.

    The overall goal is to help ensure we don't see a repeat of the original Titanfall, where many players loved the game but left it in droves shortly after launch, making it difficult to find a match (particularly on PC). Attempts were made to lure players back in by offering DLC for free and adding a Horde-style mode, but it was too little, too late."
  2. Ik0n88x

    Ik0n88x Generation 7
    Elite Pilot

    Jan 25, 2014
    Networks sound awesome and Happy Hour is a nice little touch.