New Titan idea: The Goliath

Discussion in 'General Titanfall discussion' started by RecklessRedcoat, May 30, 2014.

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  1. RecklessRedcoat

    RecklessRedcoat Generation 2

    May 6, 2014
    What if in the next DLC/ sequel game Respawn though of the (unoriginal) brilliant idea to include a new Titan design? I present you the Goliath. Bulkiest, meanest and slowest of Titans.

    The overview: Personally, I believe the Goliath should be, THE tank class. With zero dashes, but a fuckton of health, like twice of an Atlas. Its left hand could be a large mechanical chainsaw which comes into play on the termination. Like the Ogre, its animations involve firing its weaponry one-handed like a boss. Evidently, it punches with its saw arm and does slightly more melee damage than the Ogre.

    The core - Ammo core: When activated, it briefly disables the ammo counter on weaponry, allowing you to fire the weapons indefinitely whilst the core is activated. The Arc Cannon will be instantly charged and ready to fire when the core is online.

    The termination - Mulched: The Goliath activates its saw, before using its free hand to grasp the cockpit area of the enemy Titan. It then chops its saw down into the cockpit, and the Titan starts having spasms. The pilot inside is briefly visible as the saw comes into contact and obliterates the pilot in Titanfall style gibbing. The Goliath then brutally wrenchs the saw out the bottom of the cockpit and releases the Titan, which then crumples to the ground.
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  2. UKCowboy74

    UKCowboy74 Generation 4

    May 9, 2014
    Sounds good but doubt we will ever see any other Titans as Respawn said it would be too much work to add more Titans to the game so I guess we're stuck with the 3 we have
  3. Darklurkr23

    Darklurkr23 Generation 2

    Jan 31, 2014
    Pretty sad that there's only 3 Titans. Needs more customization too.
  4. RecklessRedcoat

    RecklessRedcoat Generation 2

    May 6, 2014
    I agree entirely with you both. As much as extra chassis would be awesome, its all about designing, technical aplliying then patching to the already finished product. You guys like the idea of the Goliath though?
  5. PaperMask

    PaperMask Generation 2

    Apr 27, 2014
    Love the name. :)
  6. Karma Cop

    Karma Cop Generation 2

    Apr 21, 2014
    67 a Gears of War would sacrilegious to not like any idea involving a chainsaw execution!

    Actually think it's a pretty cool idea. I hate using and playing against Ogre's, I'm more about the mobility so I'm not certain if it's one I'd use much but it would be situational. Love the ideas/thought you put into it. Too bad to hear they can't add any additional Titans, although I'm not discontent with the three we have.
  7. A.C

    A.C Generation 4

    Feb 18, 2014
    For this line alone, the idea is epic.

    I could not stop laughing when I read this - because it is so true. The Ogre does this like a boss LOL.

    I think it's a decently balanced idea, shame we won't see it. Double the Atlas' health would be a bit too much - maybe 20% more on the Ogre's health. TBF, Ogre's are pretty tough as they are.
    • Like Like x 2
  8. RecklessRedcoat

    RecklessRedcoat Generation 2

    May 6, 2014
    I really appreciate the feedback I'm getting it! Thanks guys. I relaise Respawn simply won't accept the possibilities of extra Titans, but what the hell, it was fun brainstorming this monster up!
  9. RecklessRedcoat

    RecklessRedcoat Generation 2

    May 6, 2014
    That's a pretty grand idea there, mate. =)
  10. Tsun33

    Tsun33 Generation 2

    Apr 8, 2014
    I love this idea! Perhaps in a Titanfall sequel?
  11. The Juggernaut

    The Juggernaut Generation 7

    Apr 2, 2014
    Meet the PIMP-MOBILE
    A beefed up stryder with double the dashes, double the bling, and a execution that involves bit** slapping the shi* out of a titan!
    Anyway, this would kind of be difficult to do. It would give even less of a reason to using the Orge. We cant have 2 tanks when one basically out tanks the other in everything! The only reason to use the Orge in a tank class and not this Goliath is because it has one dash! But that dash wouldn't even matter lol. Problem is: This would make the Orge irrelevant.
  12. Fantastic Dan

    Fantastic Dan Generation 1

    Apr 5, 2014
    I had an idea similar to this, but the default three chassi represent the balanced spectrum of speed vs health.

    Though I would pay money to have a new titan whose execution animation was a swift kick between the other Titan's legs that ejects the pilot.
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  13. RecklessRedcoat

    RecklessRedcoat Generation 2

    May 6, 2014
    Classy, I'd like to see that as well
  14. RecklessRedcoat

    RecklessRedcoat Generation 2

    May 6, 2014
    #14 RecklessRedcoat, Jun 1, 2014
    Last edited: Jun 1, 2014
    Because I forgot to add these tabs:

    Strategy - piloting the Goliath: The Goliath is a bloody tank, laughing off damage that would injure an Ogre, cripple an Atlas, and undeniably obliterate a Stryder. What are you waiting for? Get stuck in there! Activate your Ammo Core in a group of enemiy Titans for disastrously satisfying results. Particle Wall is the handiest tactical ability, seeing as you are safe from harm whilst you can lay down the law. Providing an advantage that the Vortex Shield does not. Nuclear Ejection is not required but can provide the last laugh and still dish out the point your Goliath is THE BOSS! Use Big Punch to ultimately destroy your foes if they try to take advantage of your 0 dashes, especially if its a Ravager (See the post) so in other words. Don't be afriad to charge into the flames, because when the smoke clears, you'll be the Last Titan Standing. (Pun intended)

    Strategy - fighting the Goliath: Stay out of its line of sight. No matter what weapon it wields, because in an open gunfight, despite no dashes, if the pilot is a good shot, kiss your Titan and life goodbye. Use cover whenever possible and use its zero dahses and freakishly slow speed to your advantage. Once you get the idea that speed = dead Goliath, you're giving the pilot the fight of his life. Use a Ravager or Stryder, and the pilot will be out of his chair and 6 feet under before he can even think the words 'my Goliath is invincible!' He wants it rough? Give it to him up close. As long as you can weave around his own jaw-jacking punches, you've got the beast by his (metaphorical) balls! It also doesn't hurt to gang up with other Titans to bring it down. He'll be more of a match for you all. Just keep moving and change attack patterns to avoid being scrap metal and pulped flesh.
  15. The Juggernaut

    The Juggernaut Generation 7

    Apr 2, 2014
    Wouldn't it be overused in LTS? Imagine every single person on the enemy team as a Goliath. All they would do is form a choke point and your team would be screwed! Unless your entire team is also made up of Goliaths.
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  16. RedGhost211

    RedGhost211 Generation 4

    May 5, 2014
    The Goliath

    Interestingly, this is how I named one of my Titans! I think it overall sounds too OP because when you are fighting another Titan you usually have fair chance of destroying it before it destroys you depending on how well you use your missles and boosts. At this point you end with very low health and your titan now depends on its shields completely (I learned this from lots of kamikaze rushing witht he Stryder, Ogres are easy targets!). I thinking the 1v1 fairness needs to be maintained in any situation, wether close combat or open-field combat.

    The solution!

    I'm thinking... what about a tiny but very weak spot at the back? or maybe at an arbitrary forehead, almost like the biblical Goliath but it would require some player skill for an accurate shot and that would affect the 'even a noob can kill you' concept that plays in Titanfall gameplay.
  17. RecklessRedcoat

    RecklessRedcoat Generation 2

    May 6, 2014
    Fair point there. I agree, but either way, I came up with the idea for fun. I do think 20% more health than an Atlas is a better solution than double an Ogre's.
    • Like Like x 1
  18. RecklessRedcoat

    RecklessRedcoat Generation 2

    May 6, 2014
    Guys, separate threads for the Ravager and Colossus chassis are up and ready to be read :)
  19. RecklessRedcoat

    RecklessRedcoat Generation 2

    May 6, 2014
    And to those who said it was OP, the Goliath is a slow brute. An Atlas player could bring one down as long as he evaded its fire and didn't get to close 247
  20. The Juggernaut

    The Juggernaut Generation 7

    Apr 2, 2014
    A Orge has 10500 base health. If the Goliath is suppose to be the ultimate juggernaut of a titan, than only have 20 percent more health would lead to 9600 health. Less than the Orge. Or do you mean 20% more health than a Orge aka 12600 health?
    You basically described the way you fight Orge's. But the problem is, THIS WILL MAKE THE ORGE IRREVLANT. This would be chosen for all tank-related classes. What would make people choose the Orge over the Goliath? What are the benefits of the Orge vs the Goliath?
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