No MM whatsoever

Discussion in 'Titanfall PC' started by Zenigog, Jul 9, 2015.

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  1. Zenigog

    Zenigog Generation 1

    Jul 9, 2015
    Seriously. I see topics already about it but I don't want to necro a thread even though the forums look about as dead as the game. ANYWAY. I'm sure no one cares and devs rarely read but I could have sworn there was some kind of match making. If I'm lucky enough to get in a game at all, it always throws in G10's vs lower ranks. This is why I stopped playing weeks after launch. I wanted to play again, and it's still horrible.

    Now that I'm wanting to regen, or try to (god damned shotgun,) I can't get pilot kills cause about 90% of the time I'm up against G6 and up.

    At the end of the day, this is EA I'm talking about. Shouldn't have expected luxuries as a fair fight.

    Back to wait for 10-20 min for a match (even attrition)

  2. rainman0211

    rainman0211 Generation 7
    Elite Pilot

    Oct 17, 2014
    #2 rainman0211, Jul 9, 2015
    Last edited: Jul 9, 2015
    I'd think that if the regenerational divide is maybe getting the better of you, then maybe a change of tactics may be in order. You know... what worked yesterday might not work today. ijs