Nuclear Eject + Electric Smoke

Discussion in 'General Titanfall discussion' started by Perionyx, Mar 25, 2014.

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  1. Perionyx

    Perionyx Generation 1

    Mar 16, 2014
    Wondering here, but I often loose the Electric Smoke right before I eject when critical. I have the auto eject and Nuclear ejection active usually.

    That bright white light is a dead giveaway of going Nuclear and I'd be delighted to find out activating the Electic Smoke helped to hide/diminish the White light impending Nuke..

    It's got to help somewhat at least as I certainly can't see outside of the smoke either right before I skyrocket up and out.

  2. A.C

    A.C Generation 4

    Feb 18, 2014
    I might be mistaken, but I was under the impression that a Nuclear Ejection was obvious. The doomed Titan makes a distint sound and takes a distinct stance in comparison to a different Ejection/Doomed state.
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    CRUCIAL Generation 4

    Feb 24, 2014
    You can see the blue/white glow of the nuclear ejection through the smoke, prob to stop people bum rushing in , on a suicide bomber mission.
    It's pretty obvious for experienced pilots but you'll catch new players out and the occasional unlucky pilot that gets caught on scenery and can't see his escape clearly.
  4. Tony at Home

    Tony at Home Generation 5

    Mar 16, 2014
    Yeah, as soon as people hear the sound for a Nuclear Eject coming, it's a clear signal to everyone to back away, and point their guns up in the air for a chance to get points on the Gooser challenge.

    I guess at the very least, your strategy will discourage other Titans from going up to you and ripping you out of the cockpit before you explode.

    I'm pretty sure all of my pilot executions where from people trying to bum-rush my STRYDER to get a nuclear explosion on me.
  5. Kaeldian

    Kaeldian Generation 2

    Mar 14, 2014
    Hard to overlook a nuclear ejection, so the smoke wouldn't help in that respect. That being said, however, it can disorient those caught in it and make it harder for them to find their escape.

    I find nuclear ejection to be pretty useless myself. I rarely die to it. It's more of an annoyance than a real threat.