Titanfall Opinions on the tech test from a non titanfall player

Discussion in 'Feedback, Issues & Suggestions' started by milkmanx, Sep 3, 2016.

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  1. milkmanx

    milkmanx Generation 2

    Sep 3, 2016
    First of all, I'm sold, see you guys at launch.

    full disclosure; I didn't download the beta but managed to log a few hours at my mates house (around 5/6 in playtime and 17gb was too big for my shitty aus net.) He's a serious titanfall vet so any questions had an answer, which really helped the learning process. Also, I stuck with Pilot vs Pilot, not that titans aren't appealing, it was just so much fun that I didn't want to back out.

    The movement:

    I felt like spiderman on steroids. It was so liberating to have the freedom to move any way I wanted, the mobility in this game was top notch. At first the grapple was a little clunky but once I had that mechanic down, oh man, I was flying. The pull was strong enough to adjust my direction and keep my momentum and weak enough that it allowed for some freedom to swing around and wasn't a linear pull. From a destiny hunter background, I was really hoping the 'flight' feeling would be present (I assumed it would be good, just because it's kind of what tfall is) and I must say; the jumpstyle and air mobility was spot on, even better in some cases. Well played.

    However; the ground game was a different story, the slide was really nice but was left wishing for a back/side roll or quick step, something to make gunfights a little less one dimensional.

    The gunplay:

    shoot them and they die, quickly. Yep, good job, I like this, the AR was a little strong imo but that's just some tuning, nothing seriously wrong with it. Sniping was fairly average but I'm chalking this up to the fast paced nature of the game. Nothing to complain about here.


    takes too long to throw those suckers

    Amped weapons:

    I don't like beating a dead horse... 10-20 seconds of it, then it's gone, putting some more emphasis on when to use it and it's golden.

    The red outline on players: thank you for making everyone a target and fk you campers. I love this. (This was in the previous game? I don't care, I'm going to mention it.)

    All in all, fantastic game that left me scratching my head as to why I didn't play the first one.

    Tl;dr great air mobility, sluggish on the ground. Rewards movement and punishes 'campy' play. Hard to quickscope.
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  2. Bruvas

    Bruvas Generation 7
    Elite Pilot

    Jul 17, 2014
    Nice to hear the opinion from a new recruit. Cheers!
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