Plasma railgun

Discussion in 'General Titanfall discussion' started by CosierZeus, Apr 22, 2014.

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  1. CosierZeus

    CosierZeus Generation 2

    Apr 20, 2014
    Anyone have any tips for using the plasma railgun? I'm gen3 and am trying to complete the challenges but this weapon is really frustrating me.
  2. Bear

    Bear That ain't falco.
    Elite Pilot

    Mar 18, 2014
    Honestly, try and steal Titan kills.

    That's how I had to do it. Just wait until someone else got a titan low and then I'd shoot it and take the kill. I felt bad but the railgun is just so awful. I'd play a lot of hardpoint because there seems to be more auto-titans in that mode than anything else. That is easily your best bet.
  3. Myl0tt

    Myl0tt Generation 3

    Feb 13, 2014
    That's the only way you will not win in a one v one play smart and use its long range ability
  4. Christopher

    Christopher Generation 2

    Apr 21, 2014
    I found the best way for me was to work your way to the instant shot, Use ordinance to get that shield down and just go to town on the crit spot. Stryders are your worst enemy so try to if possible to avoid a 1 on 1 situation with a stryder. It is a really strong weapon, with long range so use that to your advantage.
    If you decide to do LTS treat yourself as a sniper and just sit back behind everyone and fully charge shot, You will do alot of damage and most likely get the kill if they are around half health left.
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  5. Jedi Minds ABZ

    Jedi Minds ABZ Generation 2

    Apr 9, 2014
    You need a team up however the above posts are correct this is weapon is good at long range.
    Just wait till you get to the Arc Cannon then you see how good a Plasma gun is
  6. xTruThxSeeKeR

    xTruThxSeeKeR Generation 2

    Feb 21, 2014
    yup steal titan kills.........
  7. Karma Cop

    Karma Cop Generation 2

    Apr 21, 2014
    If I had three tiers of Titan weapons, I'd rank Arc, Chainsaw, Quad & Triple Threat (Situationally) in my top tier. Then in middle tier the 40mm. But the plasma is in a third lowly tier of its own.

    However good news is, I found once you scored the first hard earned 10 titan kills...that it does get easier to use with the mod. It makes a giganic difference. I can't imagine having to have done all 50 kills with the Home run Plasma (non modded).

    I also agree that it's best to use in Hardpoint games. Or attrition games and make sure you're the third party who sweeps in for the kill.

    Lastly, an idea I had after the fact. If you hate it so so much (especially getting first 10), put it on auto-titan in Pilot Hunter (or matches you don't use the Titan for as much) and let it do the work for you. Because honestly if you're terrible with it, and so many of us are given how it works, then your auto-titan might just outclass you with it.
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  8. CosierZeus

    CosierZeus Generation 2

    Apr 20, 2014
    Thanks for all the input guys. Really great suggestions!