Titanfall Please get rid of or nerf the smart pistol

Discussion in 'Feedback, Issues & Suggestions' started by BurningBalls123, Mar 18, 2014.

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  1. Tony at Home

    Tony at Home Generation 5

    Mar 16, 2014
    Do the math

    2 shots to kill from a gun that shoots at 104 RPM

    4 shots to kill from a gun that shoots at 810 RPM. (Carbine)

    Carbine kills faster at mid range, so does both the sub machineguns.

    People saying its OP doesn't make it OP (bandwagon fallacy). Generally these people don't move enough and get destroyed by shotgun users who know how to use parkour to keep moving.
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  2. xFMJxDeman

    xFMJxDeman Generation 2

    Mar 11, 2014
    I'm constantly moving around and parkouring, yet it's VERY difficult to react to the shotgun. It's VERY precise for it's weapon type. I'm not necessarily saying it's game breaking, and I do see your math, but I notice people with the shotgun absolutely dominate, and as such I see it becoming MUCH more common than say the CAR. I will again compare it to the RHINO from Crysis 3, very fast, and absolutely brutal. I damn near never accuse things of OP either, but from my experience, and that of others, whom I would ask before me stating my belief of it, math wise, yes, it would seem it would be VERY inferior mid-range, but if you see it play in the game it seems to show differently.
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    PRAHBZ Generation 3

    Mar 27, 2014
    Nor should they. There is very rarely a game where folks don't complain about at least one shotgun being overpowered. EVA, Spas12, Striker, Alpha Jackal/Rhino, the list goes on. Yeah any noob can get kills with them, but to REALLY excel you must employ a high risk playstyle and be supremely mindful of your environment at all times. If you are successful at this, your high risk deserves high reward.
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  4. BallisticDad

    BallisticDad Played the very first FPS! *Duck Hunt*
    Elite Pilot

    Mar 29, 2014
    Love your Avatar btw! lol
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  5. xFMJxDeman

    xFMJxDeman Generation 2

    Mar 11, 2014
    To be fair, in Crysis 3 the RHINO and Bow were flat out OP DLC weapons. (I totally used them though.)
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    PRAHBZ Generation 3

    Mar 27, 2014
    shut the f*ck up, Donny! :D
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  7. narcosys

    narcosys Generation 1

    Mar 31, 2014
    Wow that pistol is FAR from OP. You have to get close to your enemy first. Then you have to allow it to lock on. Unless they come at me from behind, i generally kill them every time. Same with when i use it. I generally get killed when trying to use it because they shoot me before i can get the killshot lock on. I think it is perfectly fine.
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  8. Linkz973

    Linkz973 Generation 4

    Mar 29, 2014

    not gonna lie i laughed so hard at this because it happens way to often
  9. Deathspankd

    Deathspankd Generation 1

    Apr 8, 2014
    I don't know why people complain about the smart pistol. that's like saying they should nerf melee because you suck at watching your surroundings.
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  10. Terrordar

    Terrordar Generation 1

    Apr 10, 2014
    Is this for real? Smart pistol is incredibly difficult to use, it takes forever to lock on to pilots, unless they are camping are wide out in the open and half the time mine doesn't even kill with all 3 locks. And the shotgun sucks balls, horrid range and damage. You'd be better off meleeing at any range the shotgun is decent. Amped is only way to use it.
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  11. trowie-uK

    trowie-uK Generation 2

    Apr 14, 2014
    Anyone who thinks the smart pistol needs to be nerfed or removed is a very bad player, the time it takes the smart pistol to lock on you can kill them with any other weapon including sidewinder.
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  12. vudu

    vudu Generation 2

    Apr 16, 2014
    I agree it have no place in the game due to how skilllfull the game is&it should be unlocked at a higher level cause players are now camping with this weapon waiting for kills..i mean come on now...its not(cod) or( battlefield) we are playing..
  13. AnimatedKi11er

    AnimatedKi11er Generation 1

    Feb 20, 2014
    I personally love the smart pistol! running around the map destroying grunts and specters is awesome! To tell you the truth its not that bad ass of a weapon on pilots... takes forever to lock, you have to get 3 locks and with the pilot jumping all over the place its sometimes can be difficult keeping them in your target area without it having to reset and quite frankly I always get murdered anytime that happens, sucks indoors (thank god for the full auto backup) and lastly if you get someone with a shotgun in your range just run away because if your in range of them they are in range to one shot your ass! if your going to nerf something nerf the range on that shotty!
  14. xLonexWolvzx

    xLonexWolvzx Generation 1

    Apr 19, 2014
    Considering how new they are, and how rushed this game feels, limited customization options, rushed campaign, and unbalanced combat, I would say, they do not in fact, know at all, what they're doing. EDIT: And balancing the game's weapons cannot be considered, in any way, to be "massive changes."
    • Agree Agree x 1
  15. DigitalCore

    DigitalCore Generation 2

    Apr 3, 2014
    If you are losing to this gun you are doing it wrong. If you are losing to cloaked campers sat in corners toss a satchel their way and eventually they'll learn.
  16. kbrock1

    kbrock1 Gen10
    Elite Pilot

    Mar 26, 2014
    I run the Smart Pistol,.. your telling me I sit in a corner and camp cloaked all game?

    Have you used this gun before?

    the lock on shifts in and out,.. so when you pull the trigger you uncloak yourself. If you miss, your dead. the sp is junk without lock.

    I move all over the map,and have to slow down for a lock. Yes, im exposed. You cant cloak forever, so i try to get the high ground,.. which gives me a great view, and killer range,.. until my head is facing my ass.
  17. DigitalCore

    DigitalCore Generation 2

    Apr 3, 2014
    Correction: if you are losing to this gun in straight up 1 on 1 fights you are doing it wrong. I have indeed used the smart pistol and using it efficiently requires a certain amount of tact and initiative, something which can make it seem overpowered in the hands of a highly skilled player. That said, I have been killed only 4 times by that pistol since I started.

    STEALTH Generation 2

    Apr 24, 2014
    The amount of times I've been killed by the smart pistol is jack, zip, nadda, 0, 1 - 1 = 0, etc. Anyway I think the gun despite it's depravity of being terrible is actually kinda cool. Respawn added something new and cool and added it to a game in which it can exist.

    Now the smart pistol is pretty good and if you see somebody with 50 minion kills they were probably all with it. However it's not OP, it's not a game changer, and like most stuff in the game it requires skill to be effective. A lot like my R101-C and I only been playing 24 hours and I already got more kills with that gun then any other weapon on any other game. ;)
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  19. DigitalCore

    DigitalCore Generation 2

    Apr 3, 2014
    The R101C is the only gun that doesn't really require much skill to use. It's a 6HK lasergun. Hits at virtually any range and you can kill with less than a quarter of a clip. The Smart Pistol is a grunt grinder, not a pilot killer. Still, I think they shouldn't have nerfed the ADS bullet damage.
  20. Bric3man

    Bric3man Generation 1

    Apr 27, 2014
    Anyone that knows how to use their weapon is OP