Please Remove Sonar and Map Hack

Discussion in 'Titanfall 2 News & Discussion' started by FALLOPIE, Nov 26, 2016.

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    FALLOPIE Generation 1

    Nov 26, 2016
    Titanfall 2 is a great game. I love it. Kudos to Respawn. But can we please lose Sonar Pulse and Map Hack? It really mars an otherwise wonderful experience. The game already has so much going on at once, and enough magnetism to choke points to keep players in contact with each other, without being able to see people through walls. Characters are already quite vulnerable when they're not in a titan. What these abilities do is pretty much demand that a couple of players on each team equip these boring items, and it gives the advantage even more to teams made up of friends. I'm sure you have your reasons for including them in the game, but as a solo player who occasionally plays with a friend, being seen through a wall really kills the rhythm that is hard enough to establish in this wonderfully frenetic game without having my position blown. The guns are nasty and loud and are easy to spot when they're being fired, AND there's a radar. Can't that be enough?


    A concerned player.

    P.S. Reposting here from EA's forums
  2. Mustard SG

    Mustard SG Generation 1
    Elite Pilot

    Nov 21, 2016
    Disagree. I dont use either of these. I definitely appreciate when a teammate has map hack but I prefer grappling hook over sonar and amped weapons or drones (bounty hunt) over map hack. I dont think either are OP'd enough to warrant a nerf or removal. You just don't like it. That's ok.

    also, if you're playing alone and have your position blown, wall run and sprint in one direction for the duration of it and then blister back an opposite direction as soon as the sonar goes down. You can easily reestablish ninja status.

    FALLOPIE Generation 1

    Nov 26, 2016

    FALLOPIE Generation 1

    Nov 26, 2016
    Right. To clarify, I don't think they're OP. I just don't like what they do to the game.
  5. Derrame

    Derrame Generation 6

    Aug 17, 2016



    map hack is one of the most useful boosts and until now it applies for the whole team, is the only one that you can share with your teammates its only for few seconds

    and you are referring to Tone's sonar? it's part of the titan! and it takes time to reload and it is only a few seconds

    you don't want to take Legion its automatic weapon because it can kill you!

    i think you are just trolling, because this request it's just ridiculous

    if you get killed often, then keep playing, keep practicing, you will become more skilled, faster than you think

    lots of players kill me with termite thrower or ev8 automatic shotgun or grenades and i don't request to take those weapons from the game!
  6. ensc

    ensc Generation 7
    Elite Pilot

    May 29, 2016
    I didn't realize your pilot was made of wood Derrame. :)

    Sorry, I just had to. I couldn't stop laughing when I read that.