Please take the smart pistol out...

Discussion in 'Titanfall PC' started by Shaqazona, Sep 7, 2014.

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  1. The Juggernaut

    The Juggernaut Generation 7

    Apr 2, 2014
    I play on Xbox One. Im well aware how SP users are a bigger 'problem' in PC than Xbox, considering a mouse and keyboard provide a much wider area of movement and techniques that controllers have difficult time doing. This leads to the smart pistol user being much harder to hit while constantly strafing everywhere.
    But i do feel that on Xbox, it's much more of a weapon for 'beginners'. Those who don't play shooters much lack that lightning fast pin-point accuracy required to win a gun fight, so the smart pistol provides them a crutch to help support themselves and actually make a impact in one way or another instead of getting constantly curb stomped. But going against a enemy head on with a SP is suicidal since every other gun has a faster TTK, which leaves a skill gap. Well at least, this is how it should work out in a perfect game without factoring in the variables like misses, parkour dodging, abilities.
    Xbox wise, smart pistol isn't that much of a issue. Other weapons beat it easily.
    PC, the parkour seems to be more spasmy i think. Corect me if im wrong and there is a different reason for SP being a problem. Xbox SP differences from PC SP?
    --------i don't have any first hand experience with PC titanfall btw, this is from what i heard--------
  2. TheLastNobody

    TheLastNobody Generation 2

    Jan 25, 2015
    Ok so you play on xbox. That does sorta factor in. How strong is the Aim Assist on Xbox? ADMITTEDLY, i'm not the best aim, i'm trying to force myself by using the Hemlock to burn it into my's a rather punishing experience but I'm getting there.

    Anyways, you are right with the TTK and such, if I can get a sight on the guy I can kill him WAAAAYYYY quicker with my rifle before his smart pistol can kill me and if using the shotgun I can beat them more consistently. The main problem arises on my end from just how much they can jump around in this game and use their mobility. I remember playing halo and CoD on Xbox 360 that if I tried to shoot someone, my weapon would sort of magnetize to them even if they were jumping around and strafing. On PC, that doesn't really happen from what I've seen, least not as strong.

    As far as spammy goes....well I haven't seen the xbox version, but on PC literally everyone is jumping 24/7 unless they have to aim to take out a target. Then after that it's back to bunny hoppin.
  3. The Juggernaut

    The Juggernaut Generation 7

    Apr 2, 2014
    Aim Assist is... console-ly-ish? It isn't crazy but it does slow down your reticule when going over a enemy. The people using mobility to their advantage are just playing Titanfall imo. Mobility is key so I wouldn't blame smart pistol users for abusing it (besides that hipfire...)
    And yea, I remember playing other shooters and the default sensitivity for them were super low compared to Titanfall's low sensitivity. After hundreds of hours of other games, I picked up TF again and it took me the entire Gen 7 Rank 1-Gen 8 Rank 1 regen span to get use to normal sensitivity. The G2A4 rifle really helped me get used to finer aiming in Titanfall again.
  4. TheLastNobody

    TheLastNobody Generation 2

    Jan 25, 2015
    The bolded part is what I hate the most I think, not even really the lock on. You are right with the whole using mobility to ones advantage, it's one of the reasons I like titanfall, but I feel like smart pistol users should get a sort of movement penalty when using it. Not anything major just...something, and not be able to lock on while sprinting.

    The G2A4, god I wanted to love that gun so bad but I just can't use the dang thing on PC!
  5. The Juggernaut

    The Juggernaut Generation 7

    Apr 2, 2014
    I don't really think it needs a nerf, let alone a mobility nerf for someone using a gun in a game of mobility.
  6. sidepartings26

    sidepartings26 Generation 2

    Jan 26, 2015
    To me talking about SP is like talking about free speech. I respect everyone's right to talk even if I don't like what they're saying.

    I HATE seeing 'smart pistol noob' typed in in the lobby. Constant moaning from people who basically got killed and need an excuse.

    I have an SP loadout but almost never use it (I use everything except Kraber). Now and again I will use an SP burn card if it's a map with lots of grunts and I want a titan fast.

    When I use that burn I like the feeling of the SP it is satisfying to use (less so the standard or even enhanced versions which ARE balanced because mostly if you're seen first or head on you will be killed by a GOOD player - not one who blames SP for their own lack of aim/positioning/movement).

    I am not happy that I can't even use a burn card that feels great out of worry of abuse. On the other side of it if I die by SP I don't get annoyed I watch the replay and usually it's a case of 'fair enough, I wasn't moving enough'.

    The fact is SP is fun and just feels great mowing down grunts. Personally I get the same feeling picking off pilots using G2A4 on rooftops or spraying R-97 at close range so fast they can't even begin to shoot back.

    But honestly I think haters of SP can be blamed for the so called 'death' of titanfall. They suck enjoyment from people who just want to enjoy playing a game using a weapon (that feels good when it works and bad when you are totally exposed waiting for it to lock on) OF THEIR CHOICE. Nobody wants to be forced to play a game as told by a stranger just because the stranger wants to kill them more.... pathetic!

    If the SP is not in the next game I will be devastated that an innovative gun is gone because rather than get better weaker players bullied it, and the players who used to be in the lobbies, out of the game.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  7. Sgt_rawk

    Sgt_rawk Generation 7

    Feb 4, 2014
    I am constantly surprised that this gun generates so much copy in this forum. :eek:
  8. sidepartings26

    sidepartings26 Generation 2

    Jan 26, 2015
    Why? It does in game. But thanks for totally dismissing my post which took time to write..
  9. Deeszigns

    Deeszigns Generation 4
    Elite Pilot

    Nov 30, 2014
    I don't think he dismissed your post it's probably more of a case all the arguements have been covered on this is what Sgt_rawk is Highlighting. I found your post very informative and neutral to both sides of the debate. I for one will continue to play the game SP or not, my philosophy is " each to their own cause haters gonna hate anyway" lol
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  10. TheLastNobody

    TheLastNobody Generation 2

    Jan 25, 2015
    On the flip side though, this game is also a First Person Shooter, a First Person Shooter that relies on mobility a lot, but a First Person Shooter nonetheless. And one of the core aspects of an FPS is being able to aim and shoot under different situations and circumstances. The Smart Pistol removes this aspect, allowing one to take full advantage of the mobility that is offered in Titanfall without having to worry about compensating for the other factors one would face if using a normal gun in this game. I do see your point about a mobility nerf however, as the player could feel punished for using the Smart Pistol and thus be turned off from the game as whole. So...anyway to compromise on this, or should we let bygones be bygones?
  11. Bruvas

    Bruvas Generation 7
    Elite Pilot

    Jul 17, 2014
    As @Deeszigns said, that probably wasn't anything against what you typed. There have been many posts about the SP on these forums, and they keep on coming!

    I liked what you said and agree whole heartedly with it.
  12. The Juggernaut

    The Juggernaut Generation 7

    Apr 2, 2014
    I've only ever been destroyed by the smart pistol once. The guy who destroyed me had Ghost Squad+Stim+Enhanced Targeting+ Jumping constantly. It was annoying as hell!
    Bygones be bygones in my opinion. The smart pistol never bothered me, and I haven't seen PC videos about a guy dominating with a SP.
  13. Cryptic_Verse

    Cryptic_Verse Generation 1

    Feb 1, 2015
    The Smart Pistol was a poor game design choice from the start and it's Respawn's baby and they are not going to do away with it. I wont deny the smart pistol is a fun, easy weapon to use that is truly gives me that "ninja" feel and experience. That being said when I do use it I don't get that satisfied feeling of "I kicked ass this round". I more or less realize that all I did was cloak, bunny hop and waited for the target to turn red. The counter argument I hear most is its lack of range and or weakness to a head on head confrontation while in a building. Any decent SP user should have zero business being indoors for any period of time or trying to close the distance against a player that has already spotted you. Even went confronting another player indoors (depending on the size of the room) plenty of times I have been able to wall run/dodge and avoid death for 3 seconds to get the kill with little to no effort. The biggest issue the removal of the human error element. Keep a target in front of you for for a few seconds, get a kill. There is no chance for a miss. With every other weapon you might overcompensate, you miss, the target changes direction etc. etc. That is something you no longer have to worry about with the SP, the area on your screen where you have to keep a target is HUGE compared to any other weapon. The counter argument I hear to this is "every other weapon can kill a target more quickly than the SP". You shooting anyone in the head, regardless of type of weapon, they are going to die almost instantly, that's a constant in FPS games. The problem with that argument is that a players movement comes to an almost halt when aiming down the sights. While they gain increased accuracy they sacrifice mobility, with the SP you sacrifice nothing in mobility. You can be flying around the map, wall hanging or zip lining and still easily get that lock on (Yes I do realize at a longer distance is takes slightly longer to lock on).

    Where the SP does not shine is in domination maps, unfortunately 90% of the player population plays either campaign or attrition, at least on the east coast. The fact that SP is a minion killer makes in overly used in the attrition. The fix I would suggest is custom community/player run servers. Programmed custom servers with weapons or gear restrictions, etc. etc. Seeing how Respawn did a cut and paste console port to pc and that's probably what they will do with titan fall 2...... I dont see this kind of support happening in the future, unless its something built into the game.

    In conclusion the SP is a fun weapon, its concept and design is cool but its a skill-less weapon with way more pros than cons in respect to titanfall's limited arsenal. The only way to test skill with this weapon is a 1v1 with smartpistols, then it becomes a game of who can use their surroundings better in respects to movement/hardware and internet connection. Seeing how the player base is moving more and more to everyone using smart pistols I am sure the rage against it will die down.

    Interesting video below of someone who actually broke down the math for the smart pistol.

  14. The Juggernaut

    The Juggernaut Generation 7

    Apr 2, 2014
    So long. So much reading.
    I will watch the video later though. FrothyOmen correct? I think I watched it before.
  15. Sgt_rawk

    Sgt_rawk Generation 7

    Feb 4, 2014
    Hi mate, I'm sorry you are upset, I wasn't actually referring to you or your post. It was more a general reflection on the level of vitriol or not the smart pistol generates.
  16. rainman0211

    rainman0211 Generation 7
    Elite Pilot

    Oct 17, 2014
    :eek: Math!!! Please no math.:confused:
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  17. Cryptic_Verse

    Cryptic_Verse Generation 1

    Feb 1, 2015
    Lol Sry, I'll stick with "Smart Pistol Dumb! I hate its face!" next time :p
  18. sidepartings26

    sidepartings26 Generation 2

    Jan 26, 2015
    Don't be. I was overly defensive - just annoyed because my phone was giving weird haptic feedback and inputting random letters, it took an age to wrestle the words out!

    Also, I've met a few Origin friends on this forum already and most are experienced and a joy to play with. Great!

    ETERNALT0AST Generation 3

    Feb 4, 2015
    Welp, I can't sanely join a Titanfall community and NOT weigh in on the SP debate! sidepartings26 totally spoke my mind, some great points!

    I hear a lot of people say "people who use the SP can't use real guns!" or "SP takes zero skill!" which are both wildly untrue!

    First of all, this game, it's entire for fun. It is not "officially" competitive. Any problems you have with the SP are your own, not the fault of the game, the users, or the developers. It has been there since day 1, it was announced prior to release, it has been a defining feature for this ground-breaking new FPS game.

    If you get killed by it, you need to take into account that MAYBE you aren't as good as you thought. The SP isn't a foolproof killing machine. You need to know the basic movement physics of the game, and need to have a sense for how long it takes to lock (which by the way, is plenty of time to retaliate against the SP user).

    SP takes skill, you DO still need to aim it, not as point-precise as any of the other guns, but you do need to aim it, and you ALSO need to, like I said before, be great with game movements. I've seen too many people try and use it while standing still for a lock on. I have also seen too many people NOT check their back and get shot from behind. These are usually the people who rage for the developers to "nerf" or remove the SP. Which makes you look like a spoiled baby in my opinion. "Waaaa I can't get my way, I can't win. Remove the SP!"

    I only ever use the SP when it is used on me first. It's by no means my favourite of go-to weapon, that position is held by the C.A.R., but I use all the guns once in a while. I think it's a great weapon for people to use and get good with it, it helps you learn the game mechanics, how to stay up high, move around more, and lets you concentrate on your surroundings. In my very humble opinion, the SP is fantastic, and the EVA is way "cheaper" of a weapon than the SP! :)

    Stop hating on the SP. It's not a cheat, it's not game-breaking. You just need to get better if it's that much of a bother to you. The FPS communities make me chortle with confusion because....we cry for change, we want something new! Respawn gave us the SP, which is new, and FUN to use, and now everyone seems scared of that change.

    I, too, get annoyed when an SP user kills me, but I also get annoyed when an EVA user or a CAR user kills me. Being killed sucks. Get better! :p
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  20. Dat Guy

    Dat Guy Generation 1

    Feb 5, 2015
    How about the remove the SP and make the weapons more realistic, like the sniper rifles. There would be recoil so your weapon will jump around, ballitics because friction and gravity would be involved, a cone of fire that spreads as the bullets travel out ward. Then you wold wine, I cant hit nothing, make it easier for me to kill something.
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