Question About Dedicated Servers

Discussion in 'General Titanfall discussion' started by Kingkat54, Jan 12, 2014.

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  1. Kingkat54

    Kingkat54 Generation 7

    Dec 9, 2013
    I confess, I do not know a lot about dedicated servers. Why wouldn't a dedicated server provider just purchase the game it wants to provide service for, and then rent the server-game to those players that want to play the game?

    Is it NOT that simple....? Does anyone know how this works...?

    Just curious because there has been so much concern about this topic.
  2. hallmaster

    hallmaster Generation 4

    Dec 7, 2013
    I don't know if I exactly get what your getting at, but I think they could. I know Titanfall is running on Microsoft's servers because Respawn asked Sony and Microsoft for servers and Microsoft has their own servers, and of course Sony does not.
  3. Kingkat54

    Kingkat54 Generation 7

    Dec 9, 2013
    There is a company called, (just picked that one for an example, not that they would do this).
    They provide online "slots" for rent to play a particular game. My question is what would stop this company from buying a copy of the game,and providing it for online gaming? Is there more to it than that?:eek:

    Probably has to do with licensing fees, net codes, that kinda stuff.

    The more I try to read about dedicated server stuff, the more I am confused. :confused:
  4. WhoIsDo

    WhoIsDo Generation 7

    Nov 15, 2013
    It's quite a bit more complicated than that, I believe. The game has net code that sends players directly to the specified servers, which would (I believe) eliminate any chance of PC players using something like GameServers or a similar host.

    The only way it would work, I assume, is if Respawn Entertainment had an option for "custom servers".