Rank your top 5 difficult regen challenges - and 1 Easier than you thought

Discussion in 'General Titanfall discussion' started by Superdude10, Apr 30, 2014.

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  1. Superdude10

    Superdude10 Generation 1

    Apr 24, 2014
    Mine so far has to be:

    1. Plasma Rail Gun 1st one (after the first ten it gets much easier)
    2. Stryder Execute Kill (Had to grind this one out)
    3. 100 wins (Grinder)
    4. Mag Launcher (For some reason I could never find the right titan to kill)
    5. LMG Gun challenege for pilots (Felt like grinding)

    Easier than I thought:
    1. Gooser - Finished in 3 games. Just got lucky I guess (10 kills only)
  2. vaguecmac

    vaguecmac Generation 2

    Mar 15, 2014
    #2 vaguecmac, Apr 30, 2014
    Last edited: Apr 30, 2014
    1. Rodeo Kills, spent longer doing this than any other regen challenge (other than the 100 wins of course)
    2. Titan kills with Arc cannon ( was much easier after I got the mod)
    3. Titanfall kills was a little frustrating trying to be precise with the drop.
    4. Smart Pistol. (You have to play like a ninja to max this out)
    5. Charge rifle critical hits. (You have to be very accurate to get these.)

    Easier than I thought - Triple threat

    Oh yea, and Currently Gen 9 - 50
  3. markforza

    markforza Finally got to Gen5
    Elite Pilot

    Jan 30, 2014
    Currently at Generation 5 Level 50
    Difficult Regeneration Challenges
    1-50x Titan Kills with Arc Rifle
    2-Gooser (Currently 0/5)
    3-5 Undecided
    1 I thought was Easier than expected was the Generation 4 DMR Sniper rifle kills 200 Kills & I DON'T snipe EVER! But found it a lot easier than I thought it'd be!
  4. Drunken_Jedi

    Drunken_Jedi Generation 2

    Apr 29, 2014
    I think you meant 'cannon' and not 'rifle' you had me scrambling about. And I agree that the sniper kills wernt as bad as expected. And I just started gen5 and really dreading the Arc Cannon Titan kills because I used the weapon during gen1 to get the unlocks and the weapon is really terrible at damaging the hull of titans. I can see it being a great support weapon to take out shields and disorient enemy titans for a team mate to go to town with the 40.

    The Arc cannon is going to be mine this far though, I did all that work gen1 unlocking it's attachments only to later find out that your unlocks don't carry over and that I'm going to have todo it again, only this time 50 kills. O, well.. I'm much better now than gen1 so I look forward to mauling infantry with the Arc and 'snaking' some Titan kills. I'll thank those ahead of time for the assists.
  5. markforza

    markforza Finally got to Gen5
    Elite Pilot

    Jan 30, 2014
    Sorry I must've got mixed up with the Gen4 Charge Rifle Critical Hits! So its Arc Cannon Titan Kills I'm working at! lol