Secret of mana

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Lobby' started by I2 A 1 N I3 0 W, Feb 2, 2015.

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  1. I2 A 1 N I3 0 W

    I2 A 1 N I3 0 W Generation 2

    Jan 15, 2015
    i don't want to spend a whole lot on this because it has nothing to do with titanfall. I'm not sure I've ever posted anything serious on this forum because I'm kind of a moron, but I'm doing somthing important to me and if you guys wanna observe and interact that would be cool. I've started a Twitter account called @tweetofmana . I'm goin to play all of the mana games in chronological order and live tweet my commentary , post pics and vids and hopefully entertain and provide some nostalgia for the fans of the series. If you would like to follow me that would be great. I'm going to start some time in February. Now, let me get back to making boner jokes on this forum. Thanks.