Smart Pistol?

Discussion in 'General Titanfall discussion' started by St4rgalaqtic, Feb 17, 2014.

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  1. ZeroIQ1024

    ZeroIQ1024 Generation 2

    Sep 11, 2014
    I would love to have a game like that but it rarely happens. Most of the time people don't cover you. There are some rare times where people know how to use the titan to get you from point to point. I guess you must play games with a lot of team mates etc..., I don't have that option.
  2. ZeroIQ1024

    ZeroIQ1024 Generation 2

    Sep 11, 2014
    That's great that it helps you if you are handicapped. That's a really good point actually.

    I had a game of CTF today where 3 people guarded their flag using the smart pistol. For some reason when a team does that with any other gun type I can get the flag back no problem, but 3 hidden people locking on with the smart pistol = you're gonna die lol.

    You're argument is the first argument I actually like for the use of the smart pistol.

    For all these other people I can't wait for them to play a game where the whole other team is using the smart pistol against them in CTF, see how much fun you have then lol.
  3. ZeroIQ1024

    ZeroIQ1024 Generation 2

    Sep 11, 2014
    Unreal Tournament had a great system for entering games under custom setups.

    So rather than get rid of a gun a lot of people seem to like it would be cool to have the option to play a match where certain guns wasn't allowed.

    They currently have 8 x 8 no Titans, so what about a CTF without smart pistol option.

    That way the smart pistol people can all meet up and play against themselves and others that hate it can play a game they love without that gun in it.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  4. S 000 DeM

    S 000 DeM Generation 2

    Aug 15, 2014
    The R97 would preform better. You'd get gunned down literally x3 as fast.
  5. ZeroIQ1024

    ZeroIQ1024 Generation 2

    Sep 11, 2014
    I agree with your statement 100%.

    People follow S 000 DeM's advice, stop using the smart pistol and instead use the R97, it's a much better gun.

    Thanks for the support S 000 DeM.
  6. S 000 DeM

    S 000 DeM Generation 2

    Aug 15, 2014
    It's true. I don't care if you refuse to believe it or not, I'm still right.
  7. ZeroIQ1024

    ZeroIQ1024 Generation 2

    Sep 11, 2014
    You missed the point, I do believe you.

    Your statement helps support my argument that we don't need the smart pistol. In fact almost everything you've said supports the fact we don't need the smart pistol.
  8. ValkyriaSkarlet

    ValkyriaSkarlet Generation 1

    Aug 29, 2014
    I hate this weapon, it's just retarded to place a weapon in a FIRST PERSON SHOOTER that is AUTOMATICALLY AIMING.
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  9. Bruvas

    Bruvas Generation 7
    Elite Pilot

    Jul 17, 2014
    These forums are becoming increasingly full of retards that
    A) Don't notice the multiple SMP threads and read them and
    B) Are clearly useless at the game.
    I've been polite up to now as I genuinely like this forum but I'm losing patience and don't care anymore.

    Titanfall is simply the single most balanced game the fps scene had seen for a long time. Whether it's someone in a titan, using a smart pistol, the kraber, or the 101 there's a way around it.

    3 people camping at their flag in ctf with smart pistols? Use echo vision. Getting killed by the smart pistol a lot? Learn how to move properly in the game. Still not getting it? F off a and play CoD or some other dribble,, but for the love of Christ, just shut up.
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  10. ZeroIQ1024

    ZeroIQ1024 Generation 2

    Sep 11, 2014
    I find that comment both funny and informative, good post.
  11. ZeroIQ1024

    ZeroIQ1024 Generation 2

    Sep 11, 2014
    Just played 20 games using the smart pistol.

    Every single game type was exactly the same as normal. So no real advantage or benefit, so no problems with it.

    Except CTF.

    The enemy couldn't get anywhere with the flag when I had a smart pistol. They killed me same as always, but I spawned so close to their path it was easy to pick them off.

    Even with their team mates defending them, or using titans as transport, all I had to do was cloak and wait.

    The smart pistol is too much of an advantage against normal players in CTF.

    Now pro players are going to call me and idiot or retard and say well they should have done this or that, but most of the people I play against online are not pros.

    That said though even the really good players I went up against that did kill me still didn't stand a chance, all I had to do was cloak and run behind them and boom, easy kill.

    So a lot of people are starting to notice this and a lot more people have started to use the smart pistol in CTF. So it will actually balance itself out and probably change the way the game style is played. You're no longer going to get away with using the Stim to rush around, now you have to use ARP to work out where the smart pistol is going to be.

    It actually makes the game a lot more dependant on team mates which I guess is the point of an online game but I'm going to miss the fun of speeding away with the flag.
  12. S 000 DeM

    S 000 DeM Generation 2

    Aug 15, 2014
    I don't see how.
    • Like Like x 1
  13. S 000 DeM

    S 000 DeM Generation 2

    Aug 15, 2014
    Sounds like you're experiencing the placebo effect to me. Exactly what does a Smart Pistol do that makes killing pilots with giant markers over their heads so easy?
    • Like Like x 2
  14. ZeroIQ1024

    ZeroIQ1024 Generation 2

    Sep 11, 2014
    Well I don't want to be rude but this just shows that you are either really dumb or just really stubborn.

    I'm going to assume that you are not dumb but instead your mind is too closed to the possibility of me being correct that you are blinded to think any other way, but I'll try one last time.

    When I play with a different gun there is a chance I can miss when the pilot is a long way from me. If I miss that makes a sound that the pilot can hear, the pilot can then attack me or change direction. It also alerts his team mates that can attack my position. So there is a greater chance of escaping with the flag.

    With the smart pistol I can get in a position where there is zero chance that I can miss. The pilot gets no warning they just die, even if they are a huge distance away.

    Do you understand now?

    The smart pistol in CTF makes it almost impossible to miss when the enemy has the flag. That removes the chance that the other guns give you.

    In any other game type you don't spend your time going to a fixed location to another fixed location so you can't predict a path. With CTF you know exactly where the enemy is going to be and where they are going to go. With the power of a gun that can't miss all you have to do is get in a position where they can't possibly escape. No other gun can do that.

    So let me break that down:

    1) I'm only talking about CTF, any other game type doesn't mater.
    2) When the smart pistol makes a sound it's too late you are dead. When other guns make a sound you have a chance to escape.
    3) This only really applies at a long distance. If the pilot is close then it's the same situation as normal. At a long distance you can miss with any other gun, but not with the smart pistol.
    4) When I tested this out in the real world I was 100% successful in stopping the enemy from catching the flag. 100%. Nobody could get back to their base with the flag.

    So that was my last attempt at trying to get my feelings across about this gun in CTF. My gut feeling is everybody is so caught up not believing that this can possibly be true that they will just post a negative reply or call me a retard etc... I don't really care though, I just want to highlight why this gun is changing CTF.

    All it requires is one of the following options:

    1) The smart pistol should make a locking noise as it locks onto you. That lets a pilot in CTF know that there is a chance a pilot is locking onto you, just as you can hear a pilot miss you with any other gun.

    2) The range of the smart pistol should be reduced so that a longer distance you have to shoot manually. That then puts the skill back into a shot that you would probably miss, not always but most of the time.

    I look forward to your hate filled closed minded responses lol.
  15. Bruvas

    Bruvas Generation 7
    Elite Pilot

    Jul 17, 2014
    I never read your post. In light of all your previous posts, I now get exceptionally bored just reading your name.
    • Trolling/Spam Trolling/Spam x 1
  16. ZeroIQ1024

    ZeroIQ1024 Generation 2

    Sep 11, 2014
    OK well then for you I shall leave the forum, it's pointless here anyway.
  17. Bruvas

    Bruvas Generation 7
    Elite Pilot

    Jul 17, 2014
  18. S 000 DeM

    S 000 DeM Generation 2

    Aug 15, 2014
  19. S 000 DeM

    S 000 DeM Generation 2

    Aug 15, 2014
    TD;LR- the SMP can't do much in CTF, and even outside its niche it's not very good. Who cares if you have the to potential to kill an without them being able to respond? The trade offs aren't worth it.
  20. Navarre84

    Navarre84 Generation 2

    Sep 7, 2014
    I can't believe this is still being discussed...

    No, SMP it's not useless, it has perfect enemy detection and tracking, which may not seem so good under normal conditions but under pressure (explosions, smoke, multiple enemies, flying, parkouring, climbing, targets hidden in shadows, big markers that cover up the enemy...) it's way better that any other weapon. If someone is tracking you with SMP you have no warning and after 3 seconds you are dead, no skill involved in that.
    Yes, SMP is a retarded weapon for retards. The dev that thought it was a good idea should be butchered, his body ripped apart, cremated and buried next to Hitler.
    Is Respawn going to remove it from the game? No.
    Maybe a nerf is possible, but SMP is here and it's not going to disappear. Never.

    EDIT: Obviously i was joking about the dev, just to clarify!
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