Discussion in 'Titanfall 360 & Xbox One' started by Fra200, Jun 19, 2014.

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  1. Fra200

    Fra200 Generation 2

    Jun 18, 2014
    I'm uncertain between SMG C.A.R or LMG SPITFIRE . What do you suggest ?
  2. RedGhost211

    RedGhost211 Generation 4

    May 5, 2014
    I have only used the SMG C.A.R a few times, I don't know what is is for.
  3. ParaNormanBates

    ParaNormanBates Generation 4

    May 20, 2014
    Close range, Spitfire LMG will win any gun (except shotguns) because of the damage rate and the mag size. Amped LMG will rip 2 straight pilots apart within a second. But in a mid / longer range, it would fall for CAR / Carbine easily due to the coiling.

    In general, if you had to choose between these 2 guns, it all depends on the game mode, map and your style of play. For example: If you like to rodeo a lot, Spitfire LMG with the slammer is the way to go. But if you like to run around the map a lot, then CAR SMG with Run-n-Gun with Counterweight would be your best choice.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  4. Fra200

    Fra200 Generation 2

    Jun 18, 2014
    Thank you anyway ! ;)
  5. Fra200

    Fra200 Generation 2

    Jun 18, 2014
    Thank you very much ! You are very advantageous. :)
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  6. Sloppy2nds

    Sloppy2nds Generation 2

    Apr 20, 2014
    Im currently Gen6 so doing the challenges with the spitfire , i find myself losing in fire fights to the car and the carbine , so apart from taking out Titans there seems little point to it ...
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  7. RedGhost211

    RedGhost211 Generation 4

    May 5, 2014
    Are you sure you are using it properly? It's my favourite gun and the one I make most kills with, no other weapon has managed to take me down both effectively and constantly with it. It is a bad weapon for close combat, I would recomend having at least one titan of distance to the other player and try looking at open areas through windows and at the exits of long corridors. I only find krabber users to be hard to hit from long distances but when bullet firing speed increases they become easy kills if they don't run away first. Its also good for taking whole soldier and spectre squads.

    ALWAYS use the aim when fighting pilots.
  8. Sloppy2nds

    Sloppy2nds Generation 2

    Apr 20, 2014
    Yeh ive a fair bit of experience with it , its good for taking out a shit ton of grunts but they barely shoot back yes ? its problem is that the carbine with exmags does everything better, it also makes a hell of a racket believe me even without the radar everybody knows where you are..
  9. ParaNormanBates

    ParaNormanBates Generation 4

    May 20, 2014
    How is this a bad weapon for close combat? Even with the bad coil, it can beat the Carbine / CAR easily. As for aiming when fighting pilots, its best to hip-fire a few shots before aiming to avoid coiling.
  10. RedGhost211

    RedGhost211 Generation 4

    May 5, 2014
    I usually run around with it as much as I can, even tr yto parkour in closed areas, it makes a lot of noise and sometimes I think I make long circles around the area, not to see who is going to kill me, I do this so i can 'recycle' the killing zone and take a better position.
  11. ParaNormanBates

    ParaNormanBates Generation 4

    May 20, 2014
    You are probably having a bad experience because of the coiling in the mid / long range combats. Best way to handle that is to start aiming hip level of the enemy pilot and it would settle down nicely. It sure does attract a lot of attention though. It's an advantage in some way. I always place some satchels / arc mines from inside on a road and try to attract some titans towards those ordnance by firing at them. Works most of the time.
  12. RedGhost211

    RedGhost211 Generation 4

    May 5, 2014
    It's because I use the aim, but I can still deal with them 80% of the time unless there is a another pilot or grunt nearby, I take too much damage. Normally, the way they kill me is doing parkour-jump shooting.
  13. The Juggernaut

    The Juggernaut Generation 7

    Apr 2, 2014
    I say C.A.R SMG. That thing is amazing and like a baby carbine. The LMG's recoil makes you lose most gunfights to most guns most of the time. I hate the LMG yet it is the only gun that kills me frequently. I ALWAYS LOSE TO IT IN CQC. The thing is, it may suck at mid/long range pilot fights, but it is a 3 shot kill close range, and combine that with a 100 bullet mag.... that thing wrecks me in closed spaces since you can spray and pray all day and only 3 of your 100 bullets have to hit me. But any other distance, it gets rocked and no point in going minion hunting with it since the moment you shoot a single bullet every single person on the map knows your location..
    What im trying to say is, besides Close Quarter spraying and praying, you will also lose against another gun.
    The CAR on the other hand is AMAZING. It has amazing damage, accuracy, fire rate, hipfire, and sometimes can actually beat the Carbine in Mid-range.
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  14. Ik0n88x

    Ik0n88x Generation 7
    Elite Pilot

    Jan 25, 2014
    If you play fast, CAR. If your style is more methodical, I'd go with the Spitfire.. it's especially advantageous when rodeo'ing Titans.
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  15. Fra200

    Fra200 Generation 2

    Jun 18, 2014
    I think as though you but is also true that Spitfire when starting blast it has very accrual of fire and inflict most damage of the SMG C.A.R . Anyway it depends since the style of game.
  16. jgibs

    jgibs Generation 2

    Jun 11, 2014
    As a run and gun I use the car because its more reliable, but the lmg is good also in a run and hold scenario. I have found that if you shoot toward the bottom of a pilot with the lmg as it kicks up it walkes up the body. where if you try to shoot in the chest are head area you miss a lot because of the kick
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  17. Ocean Koa

    Ocean Koa Generation 1

    Apr 12, 2014
    That spit-fire is for real. All I see is a SMG or that darn gun lol
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  18. KCTheBearded1

    KCTheBearded1 Generation 2

    Jun 20, 2014
    I love the Spitfire. It's my go-to in almost every match. The recoil sucks for the first 3 shots but there's enough in the mag to keep it steady and get the job done right. Plus it'll take down a titan without reloading and/or do enough damage before you gotta clear the damn electric smoke!
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  19. ElasticFruit

    ElasticFruit Generation 2

    Jun 30, 2014
    I hate the CAR. For me, it's horrible at long-range. I practically rip pilots apart with the non-amped LMG. Yesterday, in CTF, I went 20-3 while defending with it.