The new matchmaking is going to make me quit this game!

Discussion in 'General Titanfall discussion' started by Valkilmergotfat, Apr 4, 2014.

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  1. EnslaveTheWorld

    EnslaveTheWorld Generation 2

    Apr 3, 2014
    Well, the skill-based lobby will obviously work for low-level players as well. If they're tired of getting their ass kicked in the social lobby by players with far greater skill, they can just play ranked games, so they'll be matched with players of equal skill. That's the entire point of it.
  2. The Juggernaut

    The Juggernaut Generation 7

    Apr 2, 2014
    I want to avoid MLG 'pros' making all the calls that ignorant TF players follow. Plus MLG will attract more. .unwanted players. I want TF to stay fun.
  3. Linkz973

    Linkz973 Generation 4

    Mar 29, 2014
    well halo had a good system just include a mlg playlist that would work. I personally would love to see MLG playlist that would be awesome that way everyone can enjoy it. Casuals, competitive and MLG type players
  4. The Juggernaut

    The Juggernaut Generation 7

    Apr 2, 2014
    May I ask, what would be the benefit of playing ranked vs social? If both are the same exact thing, then what is the point of playing against tryhards when you can filter out the pros and just play social? Or do you want to go COMPLETELY Halo 3 style?
  5. Linkz973

    Linkz973 Generation 4

    Mar 29, 2014
    In my mind mlg play list would include the maps they use game types and probably in the case of titanfall which ever perks and guns are deemed useable in terms of balancing (although i think all of them would work well)

    But as far as ranked vs social the as with any other game, social would be when you play with friends or just want to mess around play with another person who isnt that great but would still have a good time to show them the ropes. To practice and get better little by little.

    Ranked would have an actuall ranking number to seperate people at different levels. It can't be the gen level they use now because frankly even if you are horrible play enough you will get to gen 10 eventually. It would create a more competivite style of game
  6. The Juggernaut

    The Juggernaut Generation 7

    Apr 2, 2014
    Oh. That would be good but I would hate if a penalty was given to people social and ranked alike if they leave a match. Plus, who says only casuals will play social? If a good player rape trained everyone on social, that would lead to better stats then a legit player.
    • Like Like x 1
  7. FizNpop

    FizNpop Generation 2

    Apr 8, 2014
    Sounds pretty dumb if you ask me. Why would you want to conform to some silly rules just because a bunch of no lifers say that is the best way to be competitive?

    PRAHBZ Generation 3

    Mar 27, 2014
    This is hilarious, I do the same thing in every game. I'll spend a day playing fantastic, watching the stats improve noticeably. Then my son'll come in and wreck it all in 2 games. :(

    But whaddya gonna do, tell a kid he can't play? Not this dad! :D
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    PRAHBZ Generation 3

    Mar 27, 2014
  10. MoneyMike

    MoneyMike Generation 2

    Mar 17, 2014
  11. Kyle sandborn

    Kyle sandborn Generation 2

    Apr 9, 2014
    Is this applied to the xb360 as well?

    Yes they should implement halo 3 ranked and social. sto this day have not seen a better system.
    If I want to try hard I could go play ranked team slayer.
    If I wanted to help a friend level up I'd play doubles
    If I wanted to play with my friends or play for lolz social slayer ftw.

    back then it wasnt about k/d it was about your true skill rank, meaning you had to grind your way up. not bash baddies all day.
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  12. jacobos1

    jacobos1 Generation 1

    Apr 10, 2014
    I have to say sometimes low level players are actually good. I got te game a few days ago and in my 2-5 game I was leading my team and then in the 7-9 I was leading the whole game with attrition points. I also would say wait until the rest of ur teammates have gotten their titans and just run around with your pilot first. This has worked for me when I was playing with a shitty team. P.S for my games where I did really well I was playing with g3-g7 guy
  13. Sulq

    Sulq Generation 5

    Mar 16, 2014
    They should make stats appear to everyone so you can tell if you're going to have bad players on your team or not. Also if you're going to be playing super stellar people as well.
  14. daennika

    daennika Generation 5
    Elite Pilot

    Mar 29, 2014
    Personally, that wouldn't bother me since I'm always giving people second chances (to meet my expectations or to surprise me otherwise). But most people would butt out of a team where a few people would have low K/D... Myself, I'd feel pretty sad to have to wait hours before getting in a game because my low scores would turn off everyone.
  15. Sulq

    Sulq Generation 5

    Mar 16, 2014
    I agree with your points. It's just can be frustrating sometimes.
  16. A.C

    A.C Generation 4

    Feb 18, 2014
    I appreciate this, but I'm not concerned with the Gen Level of players I encounter.

    I have been on beast teams with 1st Gen pilots against teams of multiti-coloured re-generated pilots and absolutely trounced them. The level of gen is not really indicative of skill even if some of the challenges do take a degree of skill and frustration to complete.

    This is how I play, if I'm considerably ahead of the enemy I will deploy my Titan - however, if I have an inkling that I'm going to be outnumbered shortly after deploying, I will wait to deploy my Titan until my team has deployed 2-3 of our own.
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  17. Linkz973

    Linkz973 Generation 4

    Mar 29, 2014
    well those stats would not count towards the stats on the ranked side. This is pretty an online only game and this should be a standard IMO. If your an online only game you should strive to provide the best online only experience and learn from the best. What we got is deffinetly not the best.
  18. Showellsy

    Showellsy Generation 1

    May 16, 2014
    I couldn't play a game where I wasn't playing people as good if not better than me coz it renders the game pointless if you always win. To that extent the guy who started this thread obviously isn't a gamer in the true sense of the word, and as for his 10generation apparently making him a class titanfall player gen ranks mean jack im only 6gen, but dont get owned my suggestion would be to hang up your xbox controller and go to your local park and find some kids that you might be able to beat at some kind of sport coz you just ain't cut out for gaming.
  19. BryoHerico

    BryoHerico Generation 1

    Feb 22, 2014
    Sounds like you have spat your dummy out and now crying about you can't win no more. This game has been out what? 3 month near abouts and titanfall gamers are now getting good at this as they play all the time. Just adapt and play harder, raise your game because it sounds like the tactics you used before aren't working no more. I'm a gen 3 and stopping at 3. I don't care about gen I play for fun and play hardcore. I frequently finish top of my team with loads more pilot kills and very few if not no deaths and this against a lobby full of gen 10's, so stop complaining and hating the game because you can't win no more and getting owned all the time. Play and get better

    CRUCIAL Generation 4

    Feb 24, 2014
    I really hope the Ranked/Social separate playlists DONT take off, this exact thing is what ruined Gears, and everyone just played Social.
    Segregation of the play lists even more is not the answer.

    As for the skill based discussion, I just don't care, if I choose to go in solo on what is a team game, then I know what I'm signing up for, a bunch of individuals doing there own thing. So the odds are against me winning unless I luck out with my teammates playing better than our opponents in general, including me. If I choose to play with mates, then I'll get a much more coordinated game and chances are, an easier game on publics.

    Either way if I lose I'm not gonna complain about a computer system 'matchmaking'. I lose because the other team played better. This makes me look at what I'm doing wrong and what can I take from the match to improve.

    If you can't handle the losses, the option is there to quit, but there will always be someone out there that thinks their entitled to be the winner without putting the work in.
    • Agree Agree x 2