Titanfall: LIVE Stream - Special Launch Event (Idea)

Discussion in 'Titanfall 360 & Xbox One' started by Southpaw Gamer, Jan 16, 2014.

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  1. Southpaw Gamer

    Southpaw Gamer Generation 2

    Jan 16, 2014
    To whom it may concern,

    My name is Kevin Lee, I run a small but growing Twitch.TV channel and I am planning for something special to happen at the launch of the game this coming March 11th.

    I will be creating an Xsplit overlay in the style of Titanfall, this won’t be your average overlay… this overlay will allow SIX webcams to share the viewing area along with the game screen.

    Why would I do this?

    Titanfall being a small team experience I want to illustrate this through playing with others that can send me their webcam image that then gets displayed over the stream. I feel in doing so the audience will get a chance to interact with six players at once and visibly see the people playing thus creating a more interactive experience than you normally find on Twitch.TV. This may not always be possible so I will create other overlays for different situations but the overall goal being to create a very lively / interactive streaming experience of the game.

    I want to help give the game a positive community image, while I want the people I play with to be entertaining I would prefer avoiding people that tend to be negative towards other players because this would not help the cause.

    I will likely hold a game giveaway to go towards a random viewer, this would obviously be just a copy of the game… what I will do is offer a gift card so that the person can buy the version they want / need.

    So what do I need?

    People to play with, passionate individuals that want to stream a group experience in the game at launch. Are you interested? If so contact me. Having the ability to use a PC / webcam while playing on your Xbox is a BONUS, it is not required. The most important aspect of this effort for me is that we show the community in a positive light.

    Skype: Southpaw.Gamer

    GT: SG Kevin D Lee
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  2. Chaz

    Chaz Generation 6
    Elite Pilot

    Jan 15, 2014
    Hey @Southpaw Gamer, hit me up in a PM. I will be streaming as well and have 700+ followers. Perhaps we could start a network :)
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  3. WhoIsDo

    WhoIsDo Generation 7

    Nov 15, 2013
    This is a pretty cool idea. We have the ability to do multi-streams and have them embedded here on the site. I think we can do up to 6 streams at a time, so we could definitely help promote you guys if you're sending people here too.

    We could work something out where I have it advertised on the front page of the site to direct all users there as well. Regardless, really cool idea!
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  4. Chaz

    Chaz Generation 6
    Elite Pilot

    Jan 15, 2014
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