TITANFALL suggestions

Discussion in 'Titanfall 2 News & Discussion' started by Ryan Greene, Aug 19, 2016.

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  1. Ryan Greene

    Ryan Greene Generation 1

    Aug 19, 2016
    Good afternoon,

    After playing titanfall for a couple of hours now i have come the conclusion that I love it. But things I do miss is the option to have a side arm and also an anti-titan gun. The Side arm is a must because already just in a couple hours of game play I have been stuck in a sticky situation where a punch or a kick just won't do the trick. The next thing i like within the new game play is the whole battery pack for Titans; this makes a Titan less invincible. On top of that I like that an enemy pilot can remove the battery, thus removing the titans shields for more damage. I also like the fact that with a rodeo you did not give the enemy pilot all the power where they can just hammer away at the titan's shields.

    Another side of the game I am happy that the deck of cards have been disposed of. I like the when you reach a certain point within your titan charge up that you can have your boosted weapon or ticks and possibly more adds when the real game comes out. I like that you guys finally added customization but sad that it is not full customization yet where I can make my pilot look like a bad ass!

    Something else i saw was that there are land marks where both pilots and titans can hide from the enemy if need be and i liked it because now pilots can find shelter between destinations. But with that said I have been trying to make call outs to fellow pilots to let them know an enemy is near by and I cannot see their gamer tag well enough to pin point their name so that they know i am talking to them. As for the enemies when I am shooting them I can see their name fairly well.

    In game modes and game play I do like the new game mode bounty hunter, but as for hardpoint I like the whole amp A, B, or C option when standing on the point longer but I think the score needs to be raised or how fast the amp makes the score go up lowered. Reason being if we are doing well in a game of hardpoint i will have just gotten my titan and Epilogue starts and i do not have my core power to blow their ship to nothing.

    I am sure new weapons will be added to the list but i hope to find more weapons and add ons to those weapons. along with more power to my pilot. Other than those suggestions the game as gone well and with no hitch so far! i am excited to hear more about Titanfall 2

    Thank you,

    Ryan Greene