Tllumalaulenal Hacking!

Discussion in 'Titanfall PC' started by bitbite11, Mar 19, 2015.

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  1. bitbite11

    bitbite11 Generation 1

    Mar 19, 2015
    Just a warning to all other players, if you get in a lobby with a player called Tllumalaulenal, I would reccomend leaving. He blatantly traces through walls, although his aim is terrible.

    Watch any of his kill cams on you, and you will see. How he made it to g10 without recieving a ban is a joke, fairfight is obviously useful. As I told him, if this was CS:GO he would of been banned before his placement matches were even over.

    Also no, It wasnt burn cards or anything, literally every death to him you will see a trace, wether it be slight or major, he is atrocious at hiding his walls.

    Literally just bought the game the other day after enjoying my free trial. But having blatant hackers like this around with max level is kind of a joke, and really worries me.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  2. Jeffb2001

    Jeffb2001 Generation 3

    Mar 14, 2015
    I never realized the game was being hacked. That would explain how a player beat the 6th round of FD by himself. We sat and watched, all 3 of us fed up with his game play. I gave him credit for being a good player, but if he's hacking, here is his ID: A88fingers. How can I tell if there is hacking and how do I report it? Or is there even anything we can do? I would suggest a list of some kind, but its too easy to change a player's name.
  3. Ashypants

    Ashypants Generation 2

    Mar 22, 2015
    oh yeah one of the few times I actually manage to get a game, I wind up with him standing on top of a building getting auto kills left right and centre. in my kill cam he killed three pilots with pin point accuracy at ridiculous range. What a douche
  4. Power68

    Power68 Generation 2

    Feb 19, 2015
    Pretty please anyone has any control over cheating.Report abuse of ID origin, names stkie cheating G1 50 lvl .

    Thank you.

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    • Trolling/Spam Trolling/Spam x 1
  5. Krypfiend

    Krypfiend Generation 3

    Jan 14, 2015
    No offense but i dont see the smoking gun....not even a good score