What keeps you playing Titanfall?

Discussion in 'General Titanfall discussion' started by The Juggernaut, Jun 22, 2015.

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  1. The Juggernaut

    The Juggernaut Generation 7

    Apr 2, 2014
    I've gotten burned out on it. I don't know why... it just feels like it's missing something.
    Any wacky stuff you guys do to keep you entertained? Something fun to do or special? Any specific classes? I'm looking for some motivation to put Titanfall back it.... so far I haven't found it :(
  2. rainman0211

    rainman0211 Generation 7
    Elite Pilot

    Oct 17, 2014
    Fortunately (for me) I'm still finding plenty of pleasure running around. I don't play as much as I used to because of all the stuttering/lagging/freezes or whatever it is causing it. If that were to leave and I could get some seamless playtime without all that stuff I'd still be back in my full blown Titanfall addiction again. After all this time I've gotten somewhat used to it but I'm missing out on alot of kills and wind up being killed more which can really tick me off sometimes.:mad: Cable man comes tomorrow. Maybe I'll get some youngster that has an xbox and is sympathetic to my plight and fix it right. Maybe I have to move my modem to the Xbox and use a wired connection.:rolleyes:
  3. Bruvas

    Bruvas Generation 7
    Elite Pilot

    Jul 17, 2014
    Too many games in my library right now to lend the time to Titanfall as I'd like. On the play list I have:
    Elite Dangerous
    NHL 15
    Witcher 3
    Gears of War beta
    On the 'I really need to get back into it' list I've got:
    Alien Resurrection
    Battlefield Hardline
    Now they're talking about backward compatibility on the xbox one, and there are some sterling games on the horizon.
    Work gets in the way a bit too:(
  4. A4eaTransformer

    A4eaTransformer Generation 6
    Elite Pilot

    Mar 3, 2015
    After maxing out my tolerance for the rank play, I a.ong with many others have moved on to getting all the challanges and achievements. It is fun but you take a beating on the ole K/d. But as always the fun is what it is all about. I cannot seem to loose interest. I also can play endlessly.
  5. Bruvas

    Bruvas Generation 7
    Elite Pilot

    Jul 17, 2014
    The game (as most are) is better played in a group with friends. I think any fps gets tiresome when you lone wolf it too much.
  6. rainman0211

    rainman0211 Generation 7
    Elite Pilot

    Oct 17, 2014
    I have a beta code for Gears Of War also... if I can figure out how and when I am to use/play it.:) All my 360 games I shipped to my sons.:( :confused:Woe is me.
  7. Sgt_rawk

    Sgt_rawk Generation 7

    Feb 4, 2014
    Mixing up weapons and stuff keeps it interesting...spend a week with the 40mm, it takes a buttload of skill to use well.
  8. rainman0211

    rainman0211 Generation 7
    Elite Pilot

    Oct 17, 2014
    Been trying different stuff myself Sarge. After finishing the weapons challenges I just went to the chaingun and had gotten into my own little comfort zone. There is a guy on my friends list that is very good with it which made me try it out. I think it's a awesome weapon. I've never gotten one Gooser with it but this guy mad it look easy. Been enjoying the Arc Cannon lately. Didn't mind the Triple Threat challenge to much so that might be my next move.
  9. Sgt_rawk

    Sgt_rawk Generation 7

    Feb 4, 2014
    The single shot rifle is a good test too, just can't run and gun like a monkey on redbull, need to post up, be map aware and move well.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  10. Jimmah

    Jimmah Generation 5

    Mar 17, 2014
    Challenge yourself.

    Find a certain weapon you've never been good at and use it all the time.
    I do this with the Wingman.

    Or do the Rodeo challenge, you can only kill titans with Rodeo.

    No wall running/Jetpack, trying playing the game like COD, no wall running no jetpack etc

    The list is endless.
  11. Sgt_rawk

    Sgt_rawk Generation 7

    Feb 4, 2014
    I can't tell you how much I hate the wingman, bloody useless. I'm sorry mate, I have to draw a line somewhere o_O. Ha!

    Addendum: I have seen some excellent beasting with it including some mad cross map shots.
  12. Bruvas

    Bruvas Generation 7
    Elite Pilot

    Jul 17, 2014
    I love the wingman - cross map shots are the norm with the 'pocket sniper!'
    • Agree Agree x 1
  13. MrPwnedalot

    MrPwnedalot Generation 2

    Jun 12, 2015
    Hey! The Wingman is a helluva gun. Don't talk shit about about m8 ill rek you
    • Like Like x 1
  14. A4eaTransformer

    A4eaTransformer Generation 6
    Elite Pilot

    Mar 3, 2015
    I love all the Titan guns and always feel guilty not using one vs the other. But I must say that the chain gun. The one I thought was the weak link, is probably the most versatile gun and it is my go to when I really need the comfort zone. It is just so darn good at picking off pilots quickly and accurately. In Titan battles it allows you to follow a moving target and do continuous damage.

    As an aside. Check this out you will love it if you have not seen this site before:

    http://symthic.com/titanfall-weapon-charts titan=1&sort=Rate+of+Fire&adsc=DESC#top
  15. A4eaTransformer

    A4eaTransformer Generation 6
    Elite Pilot

    Mar 3, 2015
    Note that the second line of the http site is part of the address it just did not get highlighted
  16. rainman0211

    rainman0211 Generation 7
    Elite Pilot

    Oct 17, 2014
    I've really tried to do stuff like that and it never works out for me. I always get drawn into the battle.:(
    • Like Like x 1
  17. rogerwilco71

    rogerwilco71 Generation 4

    Feb 12, 2015
    Hi guys!
    Jugs I hear ya....have you gen'd up and burned all those rare cards yet? :D

    I usually have about an hour to an hour and half to play since I'm occupied more in the summer months (work, kids, mowing, fixing, bills, grilling burgers, mowing, taking kids out for fun, mowing....did I mention mowing with the monsoons we've had in the Midwest? Don't worry about the crackling sound you're currently hearing from my joints and back) ....and it takes me a good hour to get "warmed up" :mad:

    I play here and there these days, but as usual I'm so busy working I play at "casual" levels and regeneration is a grind...I'm 12 disarms.....54 Hemlock kills ....and 25 Kraber kills (saving the easy one for last) away from gen 10 and just don't have it in me. I look at the clock and say screw it and grab a fun loadout...playFD...or.....a survivor:p load out since I usually face "mini" gen10 clans on in attrition (on the PC side the LTS, HDPoint, and CTF lobbies are empty in the mornings)

    ....Funny thing is, it's harder to get what you want when you need it....I'm sure I had at least 50 goosers during my Gen 9 tenure :D:D:D

    Still for me the unlimited sachel or arc granades burn card is my favorite fun time perk:D:D

    • Like Like x 1
  18. A4eaTransformer

    A4eaTransformer Generation 6
    Elite Pilot

    Mar 3, 2015
    Nice to hear from you RCo. I have missed your presence. I am so kicking myself that in a moment of weekness I bought the forged certificate for 100 MVP for the gen 10 requirement. This was way back many monhs ago. It was at a time when I thought you had to have ten 10 to play rank play. I had an invite sitting around for weeks and it was burning a hole in my pocket. It was my very last challange to complete. No where did they warn you would not be able to get all the activements if you did that. I had probably 500 MVP's in the last three levels when it did not matter but it was getting so boring grinding on. I was pissed off and bored one day at 75 MVPs and said screw it. So now I live like The Scarlet Letter to have the shame tourched on to my Titan's skin. A new Titan Insignia should be formed The Scarlet F. Now there is a gauntlet on the ground for you. Will I be seeing a RCo design coming up soon. Before I even get to it. A new Avitar for the ATrain?
  19. rogerwilco71

    rogerwilco71 Generation 4

    Feb 12, 2015
    #19 rogerwilco71, Jun 23, 2015
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2015
    Hello my Scarlet lettered friend,

    Well it was 50 mvp's, do you mean the 100 win's from gen8?

    I have the scarlet shame for G2A4....I was stymied....Good with DMR. but not G2A4

    I traded in my titan insignia...I now have a bumper sticker on it that says "Out of Ammo, watch for finger"
  20. A4eaTransformer

    A4eaTransformer Generation 6
    Elite Pilot

    Mar 3, 2015
    You are right it was the 50 MVP. Forgive the Artistic License. It was a while since I looked at the numbers and it seemed like 100 at the time. Such a shame as it was not a hard one, it just took a little time. I am glad that we are both radical non conformists and maybe we need a scarlet finger sticker. You always make me feel better :( -->. :)