What makes you angry at work and how do you deal with it?

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Lobby' started by FattedShark3084, Aug 2, 2014.

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  1. FattedShark3084

    FattedShark3084 Generation 2

    Apr 13, 2014
    Well as a cook I'm being send into berserk mode when: a.) I'm making something new and it doesn't work. B.) when someone around me fucks up alot of stuff and is trying to praise the dish or starts badmouthing my stuff. C.) when the waiters or servers are being smart about the food but have no clue how to make it. D.) the food gets cold or starts to look shitty and the servers still carry it out. E.) nobody has time to carry plates cause they are busy doing nothing or chatting away. F.) waiters only ring in special order that aren't on the menu ( you'd be surprised what kinda outlandish stuff people order, already had to open a tin of caviar worth 1000 bucks for a dog). G.) people with self diagnosed allergies and intolerances such as gluten, lactose and all that crap that somehow end up ordering the dish that has exactly all that stuff in it. H.) people ordering something and finding out later on that they are allergic to some component of the dish and we have to trough away the whole food after.

    I could still go on and on about it but I'm way too lazy to type everything now.

    How do I deal with it?
    I either start kicking my stove.
    Or I go into the coldroom to shout and yell a little bit.
    Or I put up with it silently and endure it and sit down after the service and enjoy my smoke while calming down.

    But still couldn't imagine doing anything else then cooking to earn my money.

    What's it like for you guys and gals?
  2. Bruvas

    Bruvas Generation 7
    Elite Pilot

    Jul 17, 2014
    I work in the motor trade. Every Monday is the same - management telling you how bad the team is (even though we hit plan for the last 6 quarters). Paperwork piling out your ears, 60% of which we need to do simply to ease the life of admin and service in the dealership.

    I blow off the cobwebs by dropping 25 foot titans out the sky and jump kicking grunts!
  3. Drecq

    Drecq Generation 2

    Aug 9, 2014
    I work in retail for heavy earth moving equipment and my favorite "rant session" comes when some of our "privileged" customers call in and give you the long run around on stuff, then tell you "order it on normal status we don't need it that fast" then they call you back before close or the next day and go "when will my order get here? OH we need it before then what can you do to get it here faster?"

    It's like "wtf make up your mind"