Why I Am Getting Bored With Some FPS

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Lobby' started by Kingkat54, Dec 11, 2013.

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  1. Kingkat54

    Kingkat54 Generation 7

    Dec 9, 2013
    Here's some 'off topic' rants. I have purchased just about every fps there are, all the way back to Ghost Recon, RS6 and further to Goldeneye. I have seen many games come and go and believe me, they are all the same. They are fun and interesting to play, but with the ever increasing "hardware requirements", there seems to be no end in sight of more money needed to stay current. Even the 'Next Gen" consoles are very expensive. BUT they do have a shelf life of several years. Maybe, if the consoles and pc games were similar in specs and upgrades, more game might be sold? In other words if I upgrade my current system to match the XBox1, then whatever games they can play, I would be able to play. And any future games for the XB1 would also work for my system. Sorry, I am just a die hard KB-M player.
    Lately I am struggling with the COD Ghosts game. My system just barely meets the requirements and it the game itself has NOT been optimized for pc play. THAT sux!! I like the fact that Respawn has decided to not push their pc reuirements, and for that I am grateful. I may yet upgrade my system ,but it should not take all of my cash just to meet a minimum requirement to play. Maybe there is hope for the future?
    Another aspect of fps gaming I dislike, is the endless "leveling up" for weapons, attachments, and perks. I like the idea of time spent playing that can equate to earning tokens that can be used to purchase whatever you want, rather than having to wait until you reach a specific level before a weapon , or attachment is available. That seems to be a balance for both intense , and casual gamers alike.
    I have great hopes for Titanfall.
  2. WhoIsDo

    WhoIsDo Generation 7

    Nov 15, 2013
    It seems that a lot of FPS titles are becoming more & more similar. COD4 really peaked the genre for consoles, and just about every other major shooter franchise has tried to emulate it in some way, shape, or form.

    I enjoy the Battlefield series (when there aren't crazy bugs), but outside of Battlefield... Titanfall is the only other shooter that I can honestly say I'm excited to play. There seems to be a good amount of movement variation and I love mechs, so it hits two things that I've been wanting more of recently.
  3. hallmaster

    hallmaster Generation 4

    Dec 7, 2013
    I haven't enjoyed Call of Duty in years. I can still enjoy Battlefield, and I still love Halo, but the more popular FPS games are getting stale.
  4. OujaStrike

    OujaStrike Generation 4 Level 50
    Elite Pilot

    Dec 8, 2013
    i used to love FPS but i'm more into TPS
  5. GammonMaster

    GammonMaster O.G. Original Gamer Before Platform Shoes, Baby!
    Elite Pilot

    Jan 27, 2014
    I bought a FPS many years ago and it seems all the ones I bought after that, were just a dressed up version of that one...
  6. Lateralus082

    Lateralus082 Generation 5
    Elite Pilot

    Jan 26, 2014
    Titanfall will revive the FPS genre and set new standards. Of this, I have no doubt.
    • Like Like x 1
  7. GammonMaster

    GammonMaster O.G. Original Gamer Before Platform Shoes, Baby!
    Elite Pilot

    Jan 27, 2014
  8. OujaStrike

    OujaStrike Generation 4 Level 50
    Elite Pilot

    Dec 8, 2013
    after playing the alpha i agree 100%
  9. Kingkat54

    Kingkat54 Generation 7

    Dec 9, 2013
    This I like!

    Its good to know that we are in on the beginning of a revolution in fps gaming.;)
  10. Chaz

    Chaz Generation 6
    Elite Pilot

    Jan 15, 2014
    It's funny how gamers go through generations of games that portray a particular period of time. Back when World War 2 was a huge deal in shooters, everyone grew tired of it. Then COD4 comes out and now it seems like (some years later) that we have an over-saturation of "modern" shooters on the market. Now I know Halo is another "futuristic" FPS, but Titanfall still blends some of the modern shooter elements with futuristic appeal thanks to the Titans, jetpacks, etc.

    Titanfall is going to be awesome. Unfortunately, I hope it doesn't become too redundant throughout time.