Why Nobody plays Amped Hardpoint?

Discussion in 'Titanfall 2 News & Discussion' started by Derrame, Oct 31, 2016.

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  1. ensc

    ensc Generation 7
    Elite Pilot

    May 29, 2016
    Yes, you get it my friend. Being someone who loves and respects Hardpoint so much, it gets so frustrating when I get on a team that is playing Attrition in the middle of a Hardpoint game. They get caught up in all kinds of meaningless battles in between hardpoints when the only hardpoint we have is the one I'm at. I noticed, even in TF1, this is a huge problem with new players, especially when they get in their titans. We may only have one hardpoint, but now their titan is ready, so "Oh gee, Wally, my titan is ready, let me get in it and wander around aimlessly for the next 5 minutes." Ugghhh Because of that a lot of times before a hardpoint game would start, I usually at a minimum say, "Defense if we have 2 hardpoints and we win", and sometimes I add, "No meaningless battles between hardpoints". Once in awhile, I might even add, "Please don't get in your titan if it's a distraction"