Why Titanfall died...

Discussion in 'Titanfall PC' started by 12oz Jesus, Sep 10, 2014.

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  1. 12oz Jesus

    12oz Jesus Generation 1

    Sep 10, 2014
    Before getting starting, this is NOT an invitation to flame or any shot at the talented developers of what is an inventive, well-done game by any measure. This is simply a solicitation for discussion and opinions on why what SHOULD have been a successful debut of an expectedly popular IP has fallen to levels such that finding games even at US primetime a slow wait to cobble the fewer players together into matches. (And if you want to tell me that the game is not dying because Attrition is easy to find games in, then OK we'll talk about the dying remainder and you can have your deathmatch/Attrition.)

    The game is fun. From this opening, I hope any of you who read this will understand that I'm genuinely surprised at the rather rapid decline in playerbase and not at all saying "ReSpawn dropped the ball!!!" I think some design/DLC decisions are questionable, but that is the case in just about 100% of games. Good ideas on paper may not shine in the showcase of the game and, obviously, game designers need to make and DESERVE a profit.

    I'll end with a thought or 2 that I have as to possible longevity killers and hope many of you will offer your own. Maybe we'll all learn something.

    Undeniably, a feeling of "achievement" or "progression" while playing games has become a necessity for longevity ever since it was brilliantly introduced in that other FPS franchise. Love it or hate it, you have to admit that playing several matches over 30 to 60 minutes and then having nothing to show for it the next time you boot up the game just makes that next boot up less likely as time progresses. While Titanfall has well-done progression to level 50, it is simply not enough to cover long-term. The vanity-only gen-levels are pretty quickly discovered as hollow as you work for the same weapons and perks again and again (not to mention getting bogged down with some silly requirements between levels). I understand it's hard to come up with a large amount of significant and varied upgrades/perks/etc, but this is simply where the game hit the wall for me and, from what I saw in chat and on forums, for many others.

    Again, understanding the technical limitations that probably came into play, the maps are TOO SMALL and the player sizes too few. The AI grunts are a nice touch and I like them... but they don't take the place of the real challenge and dynamics of real players that even 16 v 16 might offer.

    Anyway, my .02, keep the change.
  2. undrwatr

    undrwatr Generation 1

    Sep 10, 2014
    I haven't played for a month now and mostly it's for the reason that I am a casual gamer and everytime I seem to log in it takes forever to find a game and then when I do it is up against a group of people that play together. I mean you walk into a team of people who know know each other and then have to play against a group of people that always play together. My team ends up getting destroyed and I get tired of playing and leave. Since there isn't a single player version of the game there isn't a lot else I can do with it.

    JESUSMACHINE777 Generation 1

    Sep 3, 2014
    Yeah there is NO team balancing on even the simplest level. This is at the heart of the issue you mentioned undrwatr. I am good at FPS' but playing against a team with 3 to 4 G10 50's and my team is all G1 50 or less is NOT FUN!!! Experience is EVERYTHING in gaming just a simple shuffling by level would help.

    Please I love this game and when the matches are closely matched it is so much FUN. But that does not happen often. =(
  4. S 000 DeM

    S 000 DeM Generation 2

    Aug 15, 2014
    The points you first mentioned also apply to CoD IMO. I don't view them as legitimate reasons.
  5. 12oz Jesus

    12oz Jesus Generation 1

    Sep 10, 2014
    Over 215 views and only 3 responses? Really, no other opinions/interest?
  6. DJSeiKo

    DJSeiKo Generation 1

    Sep 14, 2014
    Smart Pistol made it unplayeble for me..
    getting killed by that gun makes me rage like never before..
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  7. S 000 DeM

    S 000 DeM Generation 2

    Aug 15, 2014
    Get better.
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  8. Losing You to You

    Losing You to You Generation 1

    Jul 28, 2014

    So people who are annoyed by MK-5 users should play the game for a couple dozens of hours to get good enough to beat a decent SP? Complete waste of time IMO. The game is very fun, but the fact that few people play Hardpoint and CTF (the two modes I enjoy most), along with there being at least one SP in every match has driven me off to other games lately. I dislike the SP's concept, I think Respawn had good intentions when developing a weapon for less experienced players, however the result is questionable. The only way to beat a good SP user (without using one yourself) is to have really good aim, and I don't plan on spending a lot of time on practicing this skill just to be better at TF than people using MK-5. I'm fine whenever someone is better than me with regular weapons, but when I get killed by SPs it just feels cheap.

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  9. S 000 DeM

    S 000 DeM Generation 2

    Aug 15, 2014
    +1 for the good argument and link to Frothy. For what it's worth, I agree with his proposed changes. Adding more of a skill gap would be excellent.

    I just still can't see how stuff like the Carbine isn't objectively better. A few annoying deaths don't make gun game breaking.
  10. killercide

    killercide Generation 1

    Sep 20, 2014
    There should be some fixes but I wouldn't put it past Respawn to (edit) not work terribly hard on this issue
    The smart pistol needs to give some alert to the targeted pilot and it should lose a single lock every time the user is hit
    I'm not sure how this got past the devs, the smart pistol is blatantly OP, it really needs more handicaps
  11. DocGreystone

    DocGreystone Generation 1

    Sep 20, 2014
    I am quite new here in Titanfall, I come from Unreal Tournament where I played about 9000 hours.

    I saw that the movments in Titanfall has the potential to make Titanfall an alternative game for Unreal Tournament (double jump, wall doge, fast movments). But unfortunately there are a couple of big bummers:
    - you can not choose servers, no server list --- really, so extreme stupid !!!!!
    - there is no possibility to play alone to explore maps in peace and no possibility to play vs bots (and no possibility to choose the difficulty of the bots), just unnecessary that this possibility is missing -- Developpers, have a look to Unreal Tournament, then you know how this is done !!!!!
    - and there is a surplus of scanhit weapons. It's a lot more fun and interesting if you have the possibility to see and dodge imcomming shots. Sure, thats my personal opinon since the days of Doom, opinons may vary.
    - the Titanfall manual is the worst I've ever seen

    I see such a great potential in this game, but unfortunately Titanfall is not using it in its present state! That does not make it to a bad game, but still, it's a bummer.
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  12. DocGreystone

    DocGreystone Generation 1

    Sep 20, 2014
    If you double jump and wall-dodge the smart pistol will not have the time to lock on you
    • Agree Agree x 1
  13. S 000 DeM

    S 000 DeM Generation 2

    Aug 15, 2014
    How the hell are handicaps which render the gun useless going to help?
  14. The Juggernaut

    The Juggernaut Generation 7

    Apr 2, 2014
    No... SP can still lock on nice and dandy to you. Meanwhile your accuracy while jumping will be horrible and the SP will also parkour..
    Love the video. Not a gaint nerf but one that actually makes sense.
    Plus the gameplay reminds me of why I was addicted to titanfall in the first place! Parkour!
  15. DocGreystone

    DocGreystone Generation 1

    Sep 20, 2014
    I meant inside a smaller building. To do so like you wrote the one with the Smart Pistol must hold still, and is therefore an easy target till the SP locks on the opponent. And if the one with the SP is doublejumping and wallrunning and walldodging as well ... then it will be not easy that the SP locks on the opponent.
  16. Sgt_rawk

    Sgt_rawk Generation 7

    Feb 4, 2014
    #16 Sgt_rawk, Sep 21, 2014
    Last edited: Sep 21, 2014
    I am constantly surprised at the number of ppl who have an issue with the smart pistol. The smart pistol does not confer upon you the ability to play the game well, it does not improve your map awareness, it does not navigate the map for you, it does not make decisions about which gunfights to challenge or not, it does not improve your reaction times. It merely aims for you, very, very, very slowly. Those who are successful with the smart pistol are more often than not successful players anyway. It is a great weapon to kill kids with no thumbs and those who are too poor to afford a monitor but beyond that, if you die to the smart pistol, chances he/she would've killed you anyway. The reason he probably killed you was that you were stationary on a building or in a corner, posted up with with cloak and a sniper or something like that. It wasn't OP it was just that the dude who shot you with it was better than you. :)

    And...btw Titanfall is far from dead. It does have some extremely big hurdles in the coming months. I am currently playing one of those hurdles in the form of destiny. The numbers will be up and down and with that comes other issues like matchmaking not working out well. But it will take a community like ours to ensure that the game continues. I urge everyone to continue to show up to play it...then we may all have it for a long time to come. Cheers!
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  17. gh0stm4gg0t

    gh0stm4gg0t Generation 2

    Sep 4, 2014
    I bought Destiny. Honestly, I don't think it's all that great.

    Pretty, no doubt.

    I play it if I don't get any TF games but it's more like ummm... borderlands comes to mind... that sort of game, rather than titanfall and it appears much slower paced. I guess maybe if you like borderlands, you'd like Destiny.

    To be honest, OP, even if there was no regen, I'd still be playing TF. Sure, the vanity tags are some sort of incentive. But to me, it's the real fun of the game. Some games use gearing up or grinding for gear as an incentive to keep playing. Personally I hate games like that.
  18. LordofNosgoth

    LordofNosgoth Generation 2

    Sep 21, 2014
    This is just my observation, but...

    Titanfall isn't dead. Not by a long-shot. However, most of the players have migrated back to campaign. Know why? It's simple, really:

    To avoid pub-stomps. Out of the last 10 non-campaign attrition games I've played, 8 of them were being dominated by 5-8 man teams on a single side.

    I'm all for playing with one's friends, but pub-stomping has ruined larger communities. Like it or not, Titanfall is very much a niche game; more so than some, less so than others, but it still falls in that category. That being the case, avoiding certain things should be very heavily considered and action taken against it. Personally, I think if a team has 4 or more players who are partied up, that party should be broken up every few games. That's the only way to keep things fair.

    It would also help if the DLC didn't cost extra $$$. Paid DLC, it has been accurately noted, splits the community into groups of those who have it and those who do not. While I certainly understand the desire and need to make more money to keep the game going, in smaller games like Titanfall, you can't risk splitting your community down the middle like that.

    You should know better Respawn. For shame.
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  19. LordofNosgoth

    LordofNosgoth Generation 2

    Sep 21, 2014
    I played Crysis 3 with War Spirit UK (sup guy!) and he will tell you that the Bow often received the same complaints as did auto-armor. But here's the thing: I used to dominate people with every weapon, including the Gauss Rifle (arguably the hardest to use in the game) and I dominated the most with the automatics... but still preferred the bow. Your analysis, as I commented on Youtube, is horribly flawed. There are other factors you are ignoring completely, including game mode. Truth be told, even in Titanfall, I've often done just as well - if not better, depending on the map/mode - with SMG's and the Carbine. I have a video you should see (that I will be posting soon) that shows how broken the Titan chaingun can be and still more with how broken the single-shot 40mm cannon usually is.

    Game balance has to be weighed against all factors. A smart pistol that is nearly god-like at ranges 150ft or less sounds bad... until you weigh it against a carbine that is god-like at all ranges. Or an SMG you can snipe with pretty damned proficiently. Or a chaingun that is infinitely accurate, pinpoint accurate, does the same damage per bullet as the DMG Sniper rifle and is in the hands of a walking tank. Or a flash-bang that does damage to players and drops Titanshields like a coed's panties after too much moonshine.

    I wonder how many people have watched your video and been suckered by your analysis because they were too unobservant to see that you were playing only one game-mode. Go try the SP in Hardpoint on a map like Demeter and tell me how that works out for you. I'll be patiently waiting to waste you with my SMG or carbine - and I will waste you. Consistently.

    If you're going to do a fair analysis, consider all factors in play; not just the ones you want to present. Otherwise, all you're doing is blowing hot-air.
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  20. gh0stm4gg0t

    gh0stm4gg0t Generation 2

    Sep 4, 2014
    Agree. There are some game modes where the SP, wingman (or whatever you can pick up to address the gap) AND movement skill like frothy's will be OP in killing players.

    And if you like titans there's probably a good chance you'll farm minions faster with an SP.

    But I don't think it's that much of a big deal.

    After all, if it's that much of a big deal in some modes there's nothing really stopping you from picking one up. So, while it may be OP in some situations, if both sides have access to it, from the respect of team balance, that point is less up for argument, shall we say.
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