Why Titanfall died...

Discussion in 'Titanfall PC' started by 12oz Jesus, Sep 10, 2014.

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  1. rainman0211

    rainman0211 Generation 7
    Elite Pilot

    Oct 17, 2014
    Holy Crap... Titanfall... is (gulp)...dying?...:( Is there no mercy!!!:mad:
    • Like Like x 1
  2. Bruvas

    Bruvas Generation 7
    Elite Pilot

    Jul 17, 2014
    Halo Wars was brilliant, but kind of restrictive on the building. Great controls for console of course!
  3. pickled possum

    pickled possum Generation 2

    Feb 4, 2015
    gotta love the noobs who rank up with gen. whats the point??? nothing new happens, you ain't gonna get a gold star or a plaque to hang on ya wall to make how well you have done. once ya hit 50 thats it. no new weapons no new perks nothing......get it nothing...........
  4. CalUKGR

    CalUKGR Generation 1

    Feb 13, 2015
    I registered here just to add my thoughts. It probably won't be popular, but here goes...

    I'll start at a tangent: I'm a long-time Killzone Shadow Fall player. I never play online MP, though. Never. Why? Well, because I don't enjoy MP gaming due to the fact I'm just not very good at it and never have been (and I've been video gaming a long, long time so I know it's not a matter of practice; I just don't posses the necessary twitch reflexes to make a good online gamer). I don't enjoy the MP vibe and absolutely detest being dominated by time-rich, skillful players who've learned every trick in the book barely before I've even had time to work out how the game controls.

    One thing which KZ:SF does very, very well is its offline SP modes. It has 'Botzone' which is great (play on any of the MP maps (including all DLC maps) against bots in any mode, each mode being customizable to a great depth). KZ:SF bots are tough, too - even on their easiest settings they can dominate at times (they can dominate me, at least). But more than 'Botzone', KZ:SF has things called 'Warzones'. This is where the offline SP really comes into its own. In this mode, the player can actually progress their offline career against bots - again, on all the MP maps with huge scope for game customization.

    And so, to Titanfall. It's a great game. I love it. One of the very few games I've ever willingly played online for any length of time. I bought the Season Pass and I have all the DLC map packs. Only thing is, I can't play 'em. I never see anyone online (PC version) in the DLC maps. They sit on my HDD gathering dust. Oh, for the chance to fire up the game offline and set-up my own bot matches against the AI!

    I cannot - and will never - understand why Titanfall's developers sulkily refused to provide their game with an offline mode. Hubris? 'Artistic vision'? Madness? Laziness? Who knows? It beggars belief that the game (which could so clearly and obviously support the mode) is without a SP offline 'botmatch' mode - but more than that, it's a tragedy for the game itself. It has doomed the game to irrelevance. To wither on the vine as players migrate to newer games... games like Evolve.

    Evolve gets things right. Let's set aside the ugly DLC issue for a moment and consider what Evolve offers a player like me who loves the look of the game but isn't so confident about going online with it. Happily, the developers have thought about that: Evolve supports a complete offline SP career - I can play against and with the AI as much as I want in all modes on all maps and even earn career progression and unlocks for doing do. Nothing short of a miracle in this MP-only obsessed age (of which I consider Titanfall the biggest casualty yet).

    Let me re-state this much: I love Titanfall. I want to keep playing it. But most of all I don't want it to die for me as an enjoyable gaming experience I can pick up and play at any time. Sadly, given the lack of any form of offline playability, this is inevitable.

    Sorry to bore you with all that, but I had to get it off my chest.
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    ETERNALT0AST Generation 3

    Feb 4, 2015
    You have some good points, and as much as the majority loves our MP, I'm sure the game may have held a few more followers with a good SP. If you want to play the new maps add me on origin we play mostly hard point but we do get to play all of those new shiney maps every night and, we really don't care who's good or bad we play for fun :) the team I play with is all older mature guys (like...some are REALLY old ;) lmao seriously though I'd love for you to join is sometime. My origin handle is ETERNALT0AST with a zero not an O
  6. pickled possum

    pickled possum Generation 2

    Feb 4, 2015
    ADD me fogdogbatter