Wildstar: New MMO

Discussion in 'General Gaming' started by KingOfGaems, Mar 19, 2014.

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  1. KingOfGaems

    KingOfGaems Helpin' you in the best way, day by day.
    Elite Pilot

    Jan 27, 2014
    Anybody else excited for Wildstar?

    I've played a BUNCH of MMOs in my past, the biggest one is World of Warcraft of course, and I loved them. I recently made the switch to FPS' because I felt that they were much more fun, very fast paced and I just enjoyed some FPS' much more than MMOs as of the late.

    I played Wildstar in beta for a good amount of time in the past, and I enjoyed the game, but my PC couldn't really run it well, and the biggest reason was mostly because in that early beta stage, it was very unoptimized, so I couldn't really enjoy it to it's greatest potential.

    It just launched into a "Pre-order" stage, and you get weekend beta access to play if you pre-ordered, and I'm actually a little bit interested to play during these weekend betas and continue on with the game in the future, but I don't know if anybody is also going to be getting the game, and knowing me, I can't play a game without having some people to play with.

    So, TL;DR: Anybody else getting Wildstar or interested in the game and want's to share their thoughts? If so, let me know :)