Will we be able to disable aim assist this time around?

Discussion in 'Titanfall PC' started by Larsus, Oct 18, 2016.

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  1. Larsus

    Larsus Generation 1

    Oct 18, 2016
    When the original Titanfall came out, I absolutely loved it, and even more when I realised it had native controller support that worked perfectly.

    Yes, I play on PC and I like using a controller whenever possible, but I absolutely ABHOR aim assistance. I went through my first 50 levels thinking there was no aim assistance, and just then realised there actually was (if playing with a controller, mind you) and it couldn't be toggled off.

    I was so infuriated that I quitted playing for some time. I came back later on and continued playing with M+K and in the end I also enjoyed it. I know mouse and keyboard are better for shooters, but I simply prefer a controller. I have good aiming and I don't want assistance for it.

    Will Titanfall 2 have aim assistance if I use a controller on PC? If so, will we be able to disable it?
  2. Larsus

    Larsus Generation 1

    Oct 18, 2016