Video Youtube Channel Titanfall, Crysis3, BF4 ect

Discussion in 'Titanfall Creations' started by Alpha, Feb 25, 2014.

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  1. Alpha

    Alpha Generation 3

    Feb 24, 2014
    Hey guys im a gamer like you guys and ill be recording gameplays and tips and tricks to help you become better at the game. I will prestige all 10 times so it would help i had some of you guys in my team. Ive played crysis 3 and this is somewhat similar to that. The only COD game ive ever played was COD ghost but only for 3 days. Add me on Xbox One so we can squad up and dominate!! My gamertag is VickadelphiaM7. It would help if you guys checked out my Youtube channel and give me some advice for the future on how i can improve myself.

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  2. Jnardz

    Jnardz Generation 4

    Feb 23, 2014
    Nice to see another committed player to the TF community. Spread the word let's see this game grow