New Profile Posts

  1. Red Shirt Kid1
    Red Shirt Kid1
    Twice using warbanner) Weapon; Spread shot, 5 rocket shotgun that spreads with one rocket having a linear path in the middle. Health and
  2. Red Shirt Kid1
    Red Shirt Kid1
    Core; Rally, all friendly titans in your line of sight gain speed boost, damage boost, and damage resistance(lasts 5 sec)(can't be gained
  3. Red Shirt Kid1
    Red Shirt Kid1
    Immune for 1.5 sec Offensive; Petrify, paralyze an enemy titan for 1.5 sec(Projectile)
  4. Red Shirt Kid1
    Red Shirt Kid1
    Titan Kit: Defensive; Overshield, give you and a friendly titan an overshield(same as picking up a bat) Utility; Perfect Shield, makes you
  5. Red Shirt Kid1
    Red Shirt Kid1
    So I made up a new titan with the full kit available mods and some sketches I made (not a good artist) if anyone wants I can make some posts
    OGkraken likes this.
    1. OGkraken
      Plz do!
      Feb 1, 2017
      Red Shirt Kid1 likes this.
    2. OGkraken
      I made a thread for concept art post it there!
      Feb 7, 2017
  6. parkour jester
    parkour jester WhoIsDo
    Hey man I may have a silly question but how do I start a private convo or message with someone here?
    1. Sgt_rawk
      Hey @parkour jester just click on the persons name in post or where ever, you'll get a popup box and in the middle of the box there is a link called "start a conversation" hope this helps dude.
      Jan 25, 2017
  7. sneakymokey
    PTFO or GTFO
  8. sneakymokey
    ps4 usually on weekends PST. looking for some new pilots to link up with. send FR
    DARK BAWGS Omega82
    Hey, Omega - what is your PS4 Gamer Tag I would like to friend you is you want. I am DARK_BAWGS.
    Omega82 likes this.
    1. Omega82
      Hey bro, It's Road2glory
      Jan 1, 2017
  10. FunkyLobster
    Food $200 Data $150 Rent $800 Bounty Hunt Deaths $3,600 Utility $150 someone who is good at the economy please help me budget this.
  11. ensc
    ensc WhoIsDo
    Hey WhoIsDo, hope you are enjoying the holidays. You do a great job by the way. Noticed at around 2:50AM EST, there is another user on named mangezeevad2 and everything they touch changes to funky characters. Even replies to existing threads make the title of that thread show up in those characters on the right hand side where it shows the 5 most recent posts. Just trying to help prevent damage to your site.
    1. WhoIsDo
      Thanks for the heads up! All of the posts should be cleaned up now.
      Dec 28, 2016
  12. parkour jester
    parkour jester Ik0n88x
    Hey Ikon, I wanna throw a question past you but not sure if I should do it on your profile post, where else could I?
    1. Ik0n88x
      Just send me a personal message man.
      Dec 17, 2016
    2. parkour jester
      parkour jester
      I may be really blind but I cant find the way to do that haha is it on your profile page? I feel like an idiot for not being able to see it
      Jan 17, 2017
  13. cryonic hoodii
    cryonic hoodii
    Looking for network with activ compative people
  14. ThaPizzaGuy
    PSN ID ThaPizzaGuy
  15. TAWBoar
  16. roman.emperor
    Frustrated by campers
    OldTuftyLemur likes this.
  17. silentdayz
    Horrible newb
  18. parkour jester
    parkour jester WhoIsDo
    Hey man! I don't know if you remember me but I was on here awhile back and we played some Titanfall 1 together as part of the Thursday night fights and it was a lot of fun, and I was wondering if you'd be interested in kind of "co hosting" a new titanfall podcast that focuses around player improvement? Also I'm not sure how to start a conversation with you on the forum btw to explain more
  19. parkour jester
    parkour jester
    Avatar art by "The-Carmine" at Deviantart
  20. gomu
    gomu Zynza
    bro can u give the origin id to play titanfall 2?