New Profile Posts

  1. Ophidian_EY3
    Ronin Rocks!
    RottweilerluvNZ likes this.
  2. RottweilerluvNZ
    Ive had it with spectres kicking me to the ground!
    Mecha Maiden likes this.
  3. Castade
    Castade WhoIsDo
    hello all, I was wondering if you can help me Whoisdo, how can I change the "guest" from the donations to my account name? Thankyou
  4. Andrew162
    Play play play :D
  5. ensc
    ensc WhoIsDo
  6. AndersGielow
    Busy gaming.
  7. RedShield75
    Help I am trapped in a status factory
  8. kemical
    I love my titan...
  9. Christopher Coleman
    Christopher Coleman
    Love what I'm seeing respawn do with the game. The only thing missing to complete the puzzle for me is ranked mode and marked for death.
  10. studge01
    cant play multiplyer no more why is this
    1. studge01
      xbox 1
      Jul 14, 2017
  11. BattleReadyPB
    BattleReadyPB ensc
    What did the penis say to the condom?
    Cover me I'm going in!
    ensc likes this.
    1. ensc
      You are too funny Battle. You always make me smile. :)
      Jul 3, 2017
      BattleReadyPB and Trini Chinese like this.
  12. Titanmaniac2017
    192 attrition points which is 27 pilots 9 titans 35 minions 6 deaths
  13. Mrstealyokill17
    Wanting the PC version to be more populated
  14. NTSF99
    Life is not absolute but rather an exercise in exceptions.
  15. BattleReadyPB
    BattleReadyPB Eazyridr73
    Why do they call it PMS? Because Mad Cow Disease was already taken.
    Eazyridr73 likes this.
  16. BattleReadyPB
    BattleReadyPB rainman0211
    Why don't blind people skydive?
    It scares the heck out of the dog.
    rainman0211 likes this.
    1. rainman0211
      Nice one!!!
      May 31, 2017
  17. Feelefant
    Feelefant Trini Chinese
    Are you from Trinidad?
    1. View previous comments...
    2. Trini Chinese
      Trini Chinese
      and you.
      May 30, 2017
    3. Trini Chinese
    4. Feelefant
      Same. German Trini
      Jun 1, 2017
      Trini Chinese likes this.
  18. BattleReadyPB
    BattleReadyPB A4eaTransformer
    A newfie's wife passed away and he called 911. The 911 operator told him that they would send someone over right away and asked him where he lived.
    "At the end of Eucalyptus Drive," the newfie told her. The operator asked, "Could you please spell that for me?"
    After a long pause, the newfie said, "How 'bout if I drag her over to Oak Street and you pick her up there?"
    A4eaTransformer likes this.
  19. jayke225
  20. DanjaDANGA
    OG Player
    OGkraken likes this.