Comments on Profile Post by Ganch 10th

  1. Rambotiger
    Nothin much man. What names did you have in mind?
    Apr 29, 2014
  2. Ganch 10th
    Ganch 10th
    10th Planet were all the bad ass pilots are from.
    Apr 29, 2014
  3. Rambotiger
    10th Planet? I kinda like it. But I say we toss around a few more ideas.
    Apr 30, 2014
  4. Ganch 10th
    Ganch 10th
    AreInsanity what do ya got.question to be in the faction do we have a page on here were we can interact with every one?
    Apr 30, 2014
  5. Ganch 10th
    Ganch 10th
    I see they really don't like the word clan on here.might have to make a twitter page.
    Apr 30, 2014
  6. Rambotiger
    Yeah idk why they're against clans lol and I'll figure something out. And I was thinking kind of keeping the "10th Planet" but adding something after it. Like the 10th Planet Elites or something. Your thoughts?
    Apr 30, 2014