Amped Hardpoint Tip

Discussion in 'Titanfall 2 News & Discussion' started by ensc, Jan 2, 2017.

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  1. ensc

    ensc Generation 7
    Elite Pilot

    May 29, 2016
    Maybe I am the only one who didn't know this, but I've been playing the game for 2 months and pretty much play exclusively Amped Hardpoint and today I discovered something I hadn't noticed before.

    1st level of control of a hardpoint = 1 point about every second or so

    2nd level (Amped) hardpoint = 2 points about every second or so

    1st level or 2nd level
    you are in there defending it
    an enemy comes in and
    it says "CONTESTED" = 0 points

    I noticed this because my team had come back and fought hard to take the lead, but at around 375 we lost the other 2 hardpoint besides the one I was at, which was amped. The other team had about 325 so I wasn't worried. I figured I could hunker down and hold the one amped that I was at and we would win. Well, I wasn't paying close attention to the score, but I knew we were close and thought the game should have ended already. I looked and the score was 399-375, so I thought, "Ahh, OK, we got this." Then I noticed it was not moving. Then I noticed it said "CONTESTED". I chased the guy out of the building by throwing a satchel at him just long enough for it to be uncontested for us to get the 1 point we needed and win the game.

    I had not realized this before, but now that I know it, it is going to come in very handy for me if my team is mounting a comeback and we are near the end of the game. If I see my team has 2 of the hardpoints, now I know that if I can just go hide in the 1 the other team still has (not even having to clear them out), I can prevent them from getting any points while my team is racking up comeback points on the other 2 hardpoints.

    I had kind of thought something felt off in the scoring in other games, but I never could really put my finger on it. This is completely different than TF1 and this is some very valuable information, because:
    1) If you are holding a hardpoint and it says "CONTESTED", you need to realize that you are not going to get any points for it until you clear it out.
    2) If you can hide in a hardpoint the other team has and make it say "CONTESTED", you can prevent them from getting points until they clear you out.
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  2. Derrame

    Derrame Generation 6

    Aug 17, 2016
    yes, and the more pilots are in a hardpoint the faster it will amplifie
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