Animations - Remove Them Please

Discussion in 'Titanfall 2 News & Discussion' started by ensc, Nov 26, 2016.

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  1. ensc

    ensc Generation 7
    Elite Pilot

    May 29, 2016
    I didn't like them in TF1 and I like them even less in TF2.

    I know I'm getting in and out of my titan. I don't need to watch myself doing it, especially if it makes my titan vulnerable while I am watching the unecessary mini movie.

    In TF1, I knew I was rodeoing the titan, I didn't need to watch myself doing it, which also gave the titan time to react. Let me hop on and press a button to rip the cover off and then just start shooting, but all in first person.

    In TF2, even if I can kill a fresh titan by rodeoing him, I basically have to jump on him at least 4 times and watch 4 mini movies to do it. That is rediculous!

    The game is so high speed and these animations just don't belong, because it just changes the whole pace and they don't fit. Everything should remain in first person so it flows with the pace of the game.
  2. Derrame

    Derrame Generation 6

    Aug 17, 2016
    what is this? the day of the threads to remove elements of the game?

    i like the animation to get in the titan, but there is this problem that it takes damage while grabbing the pilot, if the titan could be invulnerable while doing it it would be one way to solve it, like the energy dome
    animations in this game are very well done
    first person is the best view for such a fast game, but i really like some of them in third person, you can see yourself or your character and titan in action!
    camos and colors and skins are pointless if we never see them
    same with weapons, we don't need to see the weapons, we just watch the enemies and the sight, the crosshair,

    and i have not seeing any animation while jumping on an enemy titan to rodeo it, everything is in first person :s
  3. SgtPain

    SgtPain Generation 4

    Apr 28, 2014
    NO! DON''T REMOVE THEM! What an awful idea.

    The third person animations look fantastic in this game. I love them! Whoever designed and worked on those needs a slap on the back. Fantastic work!