Common Respawn....

Discussion in 'Titanfall 2 News & Discussion' started by KernelClamjuice, Nov 30, 2016.

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  1. KernelClamjuice

    KernelClamjuice Generation 6
    Elite Pilot

    May 4, 2014
    LTS was a battle to 4. Now you changed it to 3.

    4 is the way to go. It keeps teams in the battle. Creates comebacks.

    3 is just to short. It's over before you know it.

    Who in the fuck is making these decisions over there! Even worse....who is the idiot that said....." Yah..that's a good idea lets change it". Then signed off on it!

    It's like you are only listening to the people that complain because they aren't very good at the game....and they want things changed in their favor. I'm not gonna win any awards for my gameplay that's for sure. I'm a 46 year old gamer who can hang...but common....stop dumbing down all this stuff..
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