Competition / Costumization

Discussion in 'General Titanfall discussion' started by Gabe, Aug 28, 2016.

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  1. Gabe

    Gabe Generation 1

    Aug 28, 2016
    Hey Pilots,

    I think the game is great and headed in the right direction. Here are some things I would recommend/ change. let me know if you agree or some of your thoughts...?

    I want Competition. I don't want to turn the game and feel like its a run and gun such like COD. I want there to be be competition in the game and I feel like a lot of games nowadays lack that crucial element. Therefore, I want a ranking system! A simple and easy ranking system of numerics (maybe 1-50). Like the old Halos. There can be a separate playlist for the ranks, but there should definitely be a "ranked playlist"

    Lastly, customization! COOL... I can create a class, but I want more. Why cant I change the color scheme of my pilot or add paint jobs to my guns or even my Titans. The more customization the better. I don't know how many of you played DOOM but they had the right ideas as far as altering the appearance of your character.

    I am new to this forum so I apologize if this has already been talked about. Let me know your ideas or thoughts on this and if you agree?

    Also, I am looking for people to play with who have mic's and are interested in winning

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  2. ensc

    ensc Generation 7
    Elite Pilot

    May 29, 2016
    You know, you raise a very important point. Can you imagine how many of these actual improvements they could have made:
    (all of these could have been done without changing or messing with any of the mechanics of the first Titanfall)

    Customizing Your Pilot (every aspect of it in detail)
    Customizing Your Titan (every aspect of it in detail)
    Having a Legitimate Ranking System (that was ALWAYS on)
    Having a Legitimate Unlimited Generation/Level System (no wondering G10/L50 from a month ago or 2 years ago?)
    Using those last 2 things to have a Legitimate Matchmaking System
    Having a Legitimate Policing of Cheaters (banish them immediately to a cheater server so they can enjoy fake games together)
    Creating Larger Maps and Allow Wall Running Titans (not changing anything else about the titans though)
    Adding a Pilot Tactical Ability that is like Jet Pack in Battlefront (one large boost in any direction)

    ...if they had only not wasted so much time and energy on destroying these actual mechanics that worked in the first Titanfall:
    (none of this was necessary, and now not only did we not get the above stuff, all alpah/beta spent undoing some of these)

    Slowing Pilots Down
    Changing Mechanics of Pilot Weapons
    Changing Mechanics of Pilot Tactical Abilities
    Changing Mechanics of Pilot Kits
    Removing 3 Original Classes of Titans That Everyone Loved
    Removing Original Titan Loadouts That Everyone Loved
    Removing The Titan Timer
    Slowing Titans Down
    Removing Titan Shield Regen
    Making Titans Weaker
    Changing Mechanics of Rodeoing A Titan
    Removing AI From Many Modes
    Removing The Most Popular Mode - Attrition (I mean, WOW! The guy who had this idea should not have a job anymore.)
    Reducing The Number of Wall Running Routes


    Again, take a good look at that second list. Almost every one of those was done to favor their COD buddies who just want to sit stationary in one spot and get kills streaks and then think they are actually good. It is no wonder articles were rightly written with titles like:
    "‘Titanfall 2’ Feels Like a Game Designed by People Who Hated the Original"
  3. KernelClamjuice

    KernelClamjuice Generation 6
    Elite Pilot

    May 4, 2014